Hart, memories and duels part 2

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Kite and co's p.o.v.

Kite was on his way to his little brothers room. He couldn't sleep and sometimes it helped looking at his sleeping brother. It helped him calm down. However when he arrived at the top of the tower, he found no one. Only a giant crack in the room.

"Hart? Where are you?" He yelled and looked shocked around.

There were sadly no reply. Kite sneered. Hart was not here! Something must have happened. He rushed down the control center who was monitoring Hart and looked angry around.

"Where is Hart?!" He yelled and scared most of the guards in here.

"We are conducting a search" said the leader of the guards "Dextra and Nistro are trying to retrieve it".

Kite just snort and pushed the guard away. Then he made a video call on the screen.

In the helicopter, Nistro and Dextra was on the way to get Hart, when a video call from Kite at the control room was shown.

"Have you two found Hart yet?!" Kite yelled at the video phone "Well have you?!".

"I told the control team to keep the mission quiet" Nistro growled angry "So how did Kite found out?".

Kite looked around at the video phone. It was clear that he was not sure he got contact with them, since Nistro or Dextra hadn't turned the video phone on yet. Nistro snort a little.

"Nistro, Dextra? Come in do you read me?" Kite questioned "Why aren't you answering me?". Nistro snort annoyed.

"Because you are annoying" He said and was about to cut off the transmission.

"No don't cut him off just yet" Dextra said and started the Video phone.

Nistro looked puzzled at her, but didn't say a thing when she began speaking with Kite.

"Calm down Kite" she told him "We can confirm that your brother is safe. Listen we are suppose to bring Hart back and it won't be easy. We will need your help Kite. Your brother was detected on the roof of the windmill tower located in the B area. He is with a boy named Yuma Tsukumo".

Kite looked at them for a second and then he hung up. Nistro looked angry at Dextra now.

"Are you kidding? We are supposed to handle this" Nistro growled "Why bring in Kite?". Dextra was sending him a cold look.

"Because we can't do this without him" She said and saw Nistro flinch "Hart is too powerful in his current state. Last time we tried to grab him the resolves were explosive. Kite is the only person I know that boy trusts. I believe Hart would listen to him and obey on what he says". Nistro sneered a little, but moved the helicopter towards the B area.

At Hartland Tower, Kite was on his way out to look for his little brother. He wondered why he had gone to that place, and remembered him giving the caramel and their capture. Kite sneered. Hart must have been drawn to that place. He had to hurry. He jumped up in the air, equipped with Orbital and flew towards the B area.

Zaira's p.o.v.

"That was certainly a weird goodbye. But Hart did seem to know the guy, so I guess it is okay". I gave out a little growling sound. I could hear voices.

"Ah he will be fine. I guess Kite was too busy to pick Hart up so he send a friend".

"Maybe but I feel like I don't understand anything about Hart. Kite once told me he hunts for numbers to help his little brother, but why?". I let out another exhausted growl. I was sure I knew these voices, but I was to tired to open my eyes.

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