Zaira Vs the Number hunter Kite.

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 Normal p.o.v.

A couple of days passes. Zaira was actually settling in Yuma's family. She was successfully adopted into their family. Kairi had cleared her name, by making an article in the newspapers, who told Zaira's story. That she was only trying to catch the criminals that time and got mixed up into it all, and that Zaira had no idea where that strange power at the warehouse was coming from. Zaira got cleared her name quickly after this. However she was still running away sometimes, when she needed to be alone or when memories haunted. Cy was always with her, waiting for her next command, and wouldn't hesitate for whatever it was. Zaira knew that. However she never gave it a command ever. When Zaira had relaxed, she had always walked back to Yuma's house. She was every time greeted with open arms. Yuma's worried face. Astral's relieved face, Kairi's yelling face, only because she was worried, and Grandma Haru, who was always saying "Welcome back". Sometimes when she was gone in a long time, Yuma and Astral came looking for her, and brought her back home. Yuma was actually this caring little brother, who didn't ask questions, and Astral, the big brother figure, who reminded her that the other was worried. Zaira always smirked at Astral every time, because she knew he was the one who was worried. The time passes and Zaira relaxed more and more at their house, and run away less and lesser... then finally a day...

Zaira's p.o.v.

"Ah I am late! I am late!" yelled Yuma and rushed down from the roof only dressed in PJ.

I woke groggy up and then smiled at Yuma. He grabbed some clothes, properly his school uniform, and was on his way up on the roof to get changed. He did however first turn around and smiled at me.

"Morning si.. oh I mean Zai" He said and waved "Isn't it a great day. Even though I am late".

Then he rushed up on the roof. I sighed. Yuma had decided to call me sis every time now, but I didn't want that, so in the end we had a compromise. He could call me Zai instead. Astral floated down in the room and smiled at me.

"Morning Zaira. Yuma forgot the alarm clock again" He said and shock his head.

I grinned a little and nodded. He floated up to Yuma again. I got quickly dressed as well, even though I had nothing to do today, but the family was trying to eat breakfast together once in a while, when Yuma wasn't late for School or Kairi had a report to work on. I walked downstairs and found actually Kairi and Grandma at the table. Kairi was drinking a cup of coffee and Grandma tea.

"Morning Zaira" they said in unison, which was a little weird.

I nodded and said good morning as well. I found a bowl and filled it with cereal. I slowly began eating, when Yuma finally rushed down in a hurry. He looked angry at Kairi.

"Kairi what gives. You could have woken me up" He said "I will be late".

Kairi smiled actually. That was a new one. She always yells or tells Yuma, he is in middle school so act like one. Yuma also looked confused as well. Kairi placed her cup at the table and looked at Grandma. Haru nodded. Then they looked Yuma and me?

"You are not late Yuma" Kaira said and smiled "Because I will drive you to school".

"Wait what?" asked Yuma and looked stunned "You never do that". Kairi smiled.

"Well today is a special day. Your sister is beginning in your school today Yuma. I also need a talk with the inspector and...".

"Wait what?" I said and dropped the spoon I was about to eat at "I am going to school. No, No! I am not going! I am already 15. why in the world should I go to school anyways". Kairi and Grandma sighed both and looked at me.

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