Dueling, Memories and Zexal. Part 2.

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Zaira's p.o.v.

I was sitting in the stupid chair and could do nothing, when Orbital got annoyed by Yuma's screaming outside. I really hoped he knew what he was doing. Cy in spirit form was again sitting at my shoulder, trying to get the metal bars off, but it was not possible. He told me he could slice them with wind, but the risk of me getting hit was too great and Cy didn't want to cut my hands off. I also prefered my hands were still on my body. Then suddenly I heard a loud crash and hoped instantly Yuma was okay. When he then arrived some minutes later, I was a little surprised. He rushed over to me in the chair and tried to get me free.

"Yuma" I said confused and surprised "How did you find me? And this place and what happened a minute ago?" I asked.

Yuma, who had grabbed a bar, tried to pull it off. It didn't work. However he was still smiling like hell.

"Well Caswell with the help of Mr. Kay found this place. Something about hacking into the computer" Yuma explained "I just followed the biggest corridors and here am I. And what happened now... Um Orbital got stuck in the wall". That made me grin a little. I was actually pretty happy to see him.

"Yuma you got to go" I said "Leave me here. Astral is in trouble. Kite. .."

"I know" Yuma told me and slammed his hands at the bars "My deck began glowing. Kite is dueling Astral. Um where are they actually?".

"Inside the key. And don't ask me how to get in there" I said and pointed at the computer. "But Astral needs you Yuma so just. ..". Yuma sneered angry at me.

"Listen. I am not gonna leave you here. You have been gone almost 2 days. I have no idea what they have been doing to you, but I am not leaving until you are free!" Yuma yelled "Astral properly would say the same thing! You are apparently there to protect us for some stupid reason, but please this time, let me help you! When that is done, we will help Astral!".

I sighed and nodded. Suddenly a bright light appeared from Yuma's deck case. We both had to close our eyes. When we opened them, we were both in front of the door.Yuma's door to be exact.

"Yuma Tsukumo. Are you prepared?" The door asked.

Yuma looked at me first. Maybe wondered why I was here as well? I was confused as well.

"Prepared for what?" He questioned. The door grinned. As did the echoing voice in here. It always creeps me a little out.

"To gain the power of Zexal, and to protect her?" the door said and looked at me "Your protector Zaira asta wroom".

The door looked at me. I must admit I was stunned. It was one thing Yuma's door talks to me as well, but that it also knew my full name, that was a shocker. Yuma looked at me as well, then at the door.

"Of course I will" Yuma said determined to the door "She is part of my family now. My adopted sister. I will protect everyone I care about". The door grinned.

"Then you are prepared. Enter the door and gain the awesome power of Zexal, but know this, to balance this awesome power, you will lose the thing who is most valuable to Yuma".

I looked at Yuma and wondered if he was prepared to take that big risk. Yuma didn't answer at first, so the door continued.

"There is someone who stands in both your ways" it said and looked at both of us"Yuma use the skills to defeat this threat. And Zaira use them to fulfil your destiny".

"Wait what?" I asked confused "Use them? You mean Astral and Yuma? What do you mean by using them to fulfil my destiny?". Yuma looked from me to the door.

Book 1. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh Zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now