A Tag team duel. Trust in your friends Zaira.

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 Zaira's p.o.v.

I was surrounded in darkness. At first I couldn't see a thing. However then a bright light appeared out of nowhere, and I was standing on the same crumpled pathway, I had been before. These many times I had been in here in my dreams now. I was no longer scared of being in here. However I was still careful, when I was walking on the pathway. I began walking over to the door, who was a little far away from me. That door, who resembled Yuma's door so much, but wasn't. When I came closer, I could see the difference right away. Like there were no chains. No lock either. That was pretty weird. When I arrived, I tried to push the door again, but like always, it didn't open. I sighed. Then I heard it. Whisper. Whispering voices all around me. They were saying my name, over and over again. Then the door changed a little and the cheapy face had appeared once again. The door, who was looking at me. I was not happy about this face it sended me. 

"Zaira" it said and the whispering voice followed. Repeating what the door had said. It gave me the creeps. I sneered angry at the door. 

"What do you want?" I asked "Just let me in already". The door sneered coldly. 

"I can't girl" it said and snort "Only you can open it Zaira". The voices whispered "Open" a lot and my name. I sneered a little and looked at the door. 

"How is that possible. There is not even a lock on you. How can you open without a key" I said angry. This time the door actually laughed a little. 

"There is many ways to open a door Zaira" it said "However since you don't want to protect the ghost.. and Yuma. You will have to wait in a long time for that key of yours".

I sneered coldly at the door. Suddenly everything began to crumble and everything also began flashing. I had to close my eyes. I knew I was about to wake up. I had to ask.

"Is Yuma and Astral the key to open the door?" I asked quickly. I could hear the door grin. 

"No. But they makes it easier. You will know in duo time Zaira. When you have found what you have been looking for" The door said. Then I felt like I was falling.

"Wahh!" I yelled and woke up in the bed in the mansion. I was all sweaty and gasping after air. I had a headache. Cy appeared beside my now. It looked worried!

"Mistress. Are you okay?" it asked worried "You were screaming". I sighed deeply. 

"It is nothing. It was just that dream again. You know the door" I said. Cy nodded. 

"What are we supposed to do mistress?" it asked "You had this dream for a while". 

"Yeah I know" I said and sighed "I need to check something out, first thing in the morning. Wake me up when it is morning". Cy nodded and I fell asleep again. 

Time skip.

I was hiding in the shadows. I was at the duel field place. That place where I first time met Shark. I could see Yuma duel Bronk. Caswell and Tori was spectators. Astral was floating around Yuma, watching every duel, in his observant mode. However was that a worried wrinkle on his face? I actually had a feeling what it was! Yuma was actually devastated after the duel with Shark. However no one had noticed that. A minute after, Yuma fell to the ground. He had lost 20 times in a row. I sighed. In the end Bronk left. Tori walked after him. I decided to follow there conversation. 

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