Beginning of the duel carnival and surprises.

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Normal p.o.v.

The days passes and the things began being normal again. Zaira had returned Shark's soul at the hospital. Shark was back to his old self again. Or least he was out of the hospital bed. Since that day, Shark had behaved rather strangely and tried to avoid Zaira and Yuma for the time being. Bronk said it was because Shark's pride was hurt, since he kind of got saved by a girl. They all agreed to give Shark some time. However Zaira was still a little worried. Last day after the accident with Kite, all Zaira and Yuma's friends ended up arriving late for school and they all got detention. Which didn't make Kairi to happy. However the days went on and the time for the world wide duel carnival was about to begin.

Unknown's p.o.v.

In an unknown place and time. 5 people was was standing and looking at a screen.

"You are sure this is her?" said a voice "She just looks like a girl to me".

"Oh it is her alright" a second voice said "Zaira Wroom. The ex thief. Well you know the plan right?". The other 4 people nodded.

"I just don't get why she is sooo important" another voice joined "She is nothing special. Darn annoying, but nothing special. Why shall we..?".

"Are you refusing to follow my orders Grace" the second voice asked coldly "It is not up to you to decide if she is special and not. So are you refusing my orders?".

"No... of course not... sir. I um was just asking" Grace said quickly.

"I thought so. Then carry on the plan" the second voice said.

"Yes at once" the other 4 said and disappeared.

Zaira's p.o.v.

I woke up early in the morning, when Yuma rushes past me, all dressed in his normal outfit and was on the way out of the door. I looked sleepy at him.

"Yuma. What are you doing?" I asked "What is the clock?". Then I flew out of bed.

"Don't tell me I am late for class. If you already are dressed..." But Yuma only laughed at me. Astral was floating confused beside him.

"Morning Zai" He said and waved "We are not late. I am just a little early. Can't talk got to catch the mailman?".

Then he rushed out of the door. I looked confused at him. Then I looked at my alarm clock, which was a good thing because Yuma's never seem to work (hehe). I was staring at the clock.

"5'o in the morning. Yuma!" I yelled "You woke me two hours to early".

I sneered angry. When I first were awake, I just couldn't go back to sleep. I got up and got dressed. What could possibly be so important that he had to wake me up that early in the morning. Then I remembered. They were sending heart pieces out for the tournament by now. I got quickly dressed and rushed outside, where I could see Yuma. He was waiting for the mail man.

"What can be taking him so long?" said Yuma impatient. Astral looked at him.

"What could be taking who so long Yuma?" he asked. I smiled a little. Yuma sighed.

"The deliverer of hopes and dreams?" Yuma said in a happy tone.

"That does not make any sense" Astral said. I grinned a little and the boys both turned around when I walked over to them.

"Oh hi Zai good morning" Yuma said and waved "Slept well". I sneered.

"Well I could have slept a lot better, if it wasn't for some noisy kid who woke me up" I said and was staring at Yuma. He smiled awkwardly.

Book 1. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh Zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now