Revealing truth, Sharks and puppeteers part 1

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Zaira's p.o.v.

I sighed a little and was looking out of the window. I could see that the sun was up which only could mean one thing. That I had spend a day in this place, and that the world dueling carnival's second day was underway. I was right now sitting in a comfortable couch in a giant room with enormous windows. I have spend a lot of my time here in this place, (secondly I got Trey to tell me where I was) so I knew I was in this big mansion. I was still a prisoner of Vetrix. Beside being in my prison cell (who was this giant, actually comfortable room, if I could leave it), the living room I was in now, was the only place I have been in. Beside that cartoon room of Vetrix where he was sitting on a throne. I actually haven't been in it, since he gave me that proposal. Quinton was still my prisoner keeper. He was actually sitting on the couch beside me, reading a book. If I could, I would have tried to read the book's title, but this stupid crest on my forehead, Quinton's stupid blue crest by the way, made sure I couldn't do a thing, Quinton hadn't approved of. Like hitting him really much or destroy his reading. That was one of the things I really was longing for. That and escaping. I could move around in the room, we were in now, but couldn't leave it. Not without Quinton or his stupid approval. I had a feeling I couldn't sneeze if he hadn't approved it. I was grateful I had bathroom in my room. However I still felt like that I had no privacy here. However Quinton was actually not the worst prison guard. I would prefer Trey and Grace. Mostly because Grace was a girl, and Trey because he in some way had a crush on me. He would treat me nicer. However at least it was not Quattro. That moron, who thought he was a ladies man and thought I was into him too. In your dreams. Apros Quattro. He was in this room as well. Right now he was tossing profile lists of his fans in the air, and slammed them down on the wall with a some cards. Quattro was smirking like hell. He had a evil look in his eyes.

"Which of my fabulous fans shall I chose today. So many targets to chose from".

Then he was laughing like hell. I sneered a little at him. Not really loud, but Quinton looked up from his book. He looked at Quattro for a minute, then at me.

"Zaira, Is there something wrong?" He asked. I sighed a little and nodded.

"Yep. Everything. Like my freedom. You can't keep me in here. Secondly I am bored to hell. If you not gonna use me for anything. Then let me go" I said angry.

Yep, I was allowed to talk, but that was almost also the only thing I could do to defend myself with. Quinton lifted an eyebrow a little.

"Well if you want some fun" said Quattro suddenly and was standing beside me "Then I am available in the evening, You can even get a kiss if you want to".

"I am not that bored or desperate" I said "So go away Quattro". Quattro grinned.

"Ah don't be like that" He began, however Quinton stopped him.

"Didn't you hear her Quattro, now get lost. Your attitude seriously concerns me" Quinton said "She is a prisoner yes. but not your girl or anything".

"Hey it isn't my fault I am popular" He said "Both to the girls and in the dueling circuit. I believe you are jealous Quinton. I mean come on I have to make my work interesting somehow, since I never lose".

I looked at him and was rolling with my eyes. I was about to say something, when I felt pain through my body.

"Zaira don't meddle in this conversation" Quinton said and I knew the crest on my forehead was activated.

Even if I wanted to meddle, I couldn't now. Quinton just needed to say my name and what he want and well.. then I can't do it. The others can't control me unless Quinton gives the torch to someone else. That is mostly Grace when he needed to sleep or rest. I really hoped he would do that soon. Grace was at least a girl. Not like she was nicer that Quinton, but still a girl.

Book 1. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh Zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now