Dark mist Emerges. part 1.

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Zaira's p.o.v.

"Okay children. Remember that we have school spirit day. So you shall all attend class tomorrow" Mr. Kay told them.

I frowned a little, but a little bit after I shrugged. So we were going on school a saturday, it was no big deal. I sighed a little. I noticed that the students apparently was happy today. They were talking together in different groups. I shrugged. I was not that kind of girl who listened to others conversation. I noticed that Yuma was sleeping like usual. Tori was waking him up and properly telling him about tomorrow's class. I didn't want to wait for him, so I just grabbed my things and began leaving. I had decided to take the long way home. Towards the river. I could calm down before I came home.

"Zai, Zai. Wait up!" could I hear someone say. Or actually I knew it was Yuma. He was the only one who called me Zai. I stopped up and saw him running towards me.

"Why did you leave without me?" He asked and catched his breath "We always go home together. Is it because we have spirit day tomorrow?". I looked confused at him. What did he mean by that? Astral floated out of the key and looked at us.

"What is school spirit day?" he asked "It sounds like phantoms and ghosts?".

"Well it's the day when our parents comes to the school, and watching our teacher teach and sees how we are doing and stuff" Yuma replied. I froze.

"Wait! That's school spirit day!" I yelled angry "I thought it was just something with an extra class for students who didn't have good grades like you Yuma!".

"Wait you didn't know Zaira?" He asked confused "Everyone has been talking about which parents they want to drag to school tomorrow. Didn't you hear them say it?".

"I am not someone who listen in on people private conversation!" I yelled angry and turned my back against him. I was pretty angry right now.

"I am leaving. I am not coming to school tomorrow" I said and began walking. Suddenly I felt someone had taken my arm. I turned around and saw Yuma looking at me. He was having sad eyes all of the sudden.

"Zai please" he said in a sad voice "I know how you are feeling. I know you don't want to go because you have no parents. I know because my parents are not around either". I sneered angry at him and grabbed him by the collar.

"What do you know? How should I know what school spirit day was? I have never been in a school before. So everyone is dragging their family at the school tomorrow eh!" I yelled Yuma in the face "And how do you know how I feel? You have family members. You can drag Kairi or grandma with you to school tomorrow. But what can I do? I am not having a family. When I attend to school tomorrow, everyone's parents will look at me with pity eyes or disgust. The girl who were once a thief. The girl who is all alone!".

I took a deep breath and looked cold at Yuma. He looked at me. He didn't even look angry or scared, that I just had yelled him in the face and was holding him like he was a doll of some sort. He was just looking at me.

"If it helps you sis. Then just continue screaming. I can take it" Yuma said encouraging "But you are not alone sis. Have you forgotten, you are part of my family. So Kairi and grandma will also be there for you. I have to ask them though. But if they come, will you then come to the school with me tomorrow".

He was looking at me with begging eyes. I was stunned. I let go of Yuma. I had forgotten I was part of his family now. I sighed deeply.

"If they come tomorrow, then I will go with you. But only if they come" I replied.

"Yes!" yelled Yuma and was jumping up in the sky "I am so feeling the flow on this one!".

He took my hand and began running like hell. I sighed deeply, but I followed him. I had actually nothing against it. We both began running home now.

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