Fortune teller problems. Astral and Zaira's connections.

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Unknown p.o.v.

In an unknown place was a boy dueling. However he was about to lose. The boy got slammed to the ground and was looking at his opponent. A weird looking man with Tattoo in his face and was hiding under a creepy hoodie. The boy, who apparently had a number called "NB 16 shark master", attacked this creepy man, but in the end he lost. The boy fell to the ground once again. He looked at the creepy man.

"Hey!" yelled the boy and sounded pretty scared "Who in the world are you?". The other man grinned and walked a little forward.

"Who I am, matters little" the creepy man said "It is who I have sworn my loyalty too, that you should be worried about". The boy looked really scared.

"And who is that?" he asked worried. The creepy man smirked evilly.

"I serve the great Master Kite" the man said and stretched his arm. "It is for him I will take your number and your very being".

He digged into the boys body and in some minutes, he was holding a soul and the number card. The weird creepy man was looking up at some stairs where apparently Kite was sitting on a throne, and spectated the duel. The creepy fortune teller bowed to him.

"Your bidding has been done my master" He said "I have obtained yet another number". Then he grinned like hell.

Zaira's p.o.v.

"And with these two monsters, I build the overlay network. I XYZ summon Utopia!" yelled Yuma.

I smirked. Yuma and I was dueling in the school's courtyard. Since that time in the sanctuary we had dueled a lot. I must admit it is quite fun. Me and the wolf deck had gotten stronger and stronger in our bond. I was actually sure no one could beat us. Or at least Yuma couldn't. Right now Yuma had three powerful beast on the field. Utopia, Leviathan dragon and Dododo warrior. I had Cy on the field and one facedown. The reason we had numbers in this duel, was because Astral had told me, that if they won, he would take away my number. I had just smirked to that. Astral had not been himself, since that day with Kite. He couldn't guide Yuma correctly at all. Yuma had played a spell that made all monsters 1000 points stronger this turn. Then he carelessly attacked. I activated one of Cy's Ou. I could stop two attacks this turn (Note: Cy can only defend on my opponents turn, and can only destroy two cards when it is my turn). Yuma attacked with is monsters. The first two attacks didn't get through of course, but the last would have, if it wasn't for a little detail. I had a trap. I activated the trap "Changing destiny". I could stop one attack, the monster who attacked was switched into def mode, and now Yuma had two choices. He could boost his life points with half of Utopia's strength (3500-1750) or he could damage me with the same amoud. I would have 50 life points left.

"We got to raise our life points" said Astral defending. Yuma snort coldly.

"No way. Zaira would only have 50 life points" He stated and chose the second eff.

I got damaged pretty well. Astral sighed. Yuma placed two facedown's and ended his turn. I sighed a little. I had a feeling they actually could had won, if Astral wasn't so scared. I drew and smirked. I would win now. I activated Cy's last Ou and destroyed two cards. The two number cards, Utopia and Leviathan dragon goes bye, bye. Yuma looked shocked at me. Once again forgotten my monsters eff. I sighed. Then I activated the spell "Heavy storm" all spell or traps was blown away. Then I used the spell "Horn of unicorn" on Cy. It gained 700 more att. Just enough to make Yuma's life points hit 0. I won the duel of course. Yuma sighed deeply. A minute after..

"Lets duel again Zai" He said in his cheering way "Next time I am so gonna beat you". I sighed and shook my head. I walked over to Astral.

"Hey Astral" I said.

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