Revealing truth, Sharks and puppeteers part 2.

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Zaira's p.o.v.

A little later, Time skip.

"Zaira! Zaira wake up!" I could hear a voice say and groaned a little.

"Just 5 more minutes Yuma" I said and turned over on my other side.

"I am not Yuma! Now wake up Zaira!" the voice yelled.

I sneered but yawned a little. I opened my eyes and sat up in the bed. Then I notice Grace beside my bed.

"Finally" she said and tossed me a worn out backpack in my lap. "Come we have to hurry. We don't have so much time".

I looked confused at her, when she grabbed my hand and began walking out to the exit of this room.

"Hey. Hey! What is going on?" I said and sneered.

I took my hand back. Grace sighed and looked at me. She then tossed another thing at me. It was a map.

"We really don't have much time, Quattro and Trey could come back any minute, so listen up" She said and was staring at me "I have packed your things, deck, gazer, well everything you had when you arrived here in this bag...".

"Wait what?" I interrupted "Why? I am a little confused here". Grace sighed.

"Stop interrupting!" She said angry "Listen, after our talk I made you fall asleep and left the room. I snuck into Quinton's room while he was sleeping and stole his notes he has on the crests. I found a way to stop the crests for awhile. However you need to leave before that doesn't apply any longer". I looked surprised at her.

"Wait are you telling me to escape?" I asked her. Grace nodded. I continued "Why?".

"Our talk, well let's just say I have thought about it, and I have decided I am not okay with how things are right now" She said and sneered "I don't want to be responsible for you death, indirectly I don't want to help my father get revenge. The only thing I want is to have a happy loving family moments again. So I decided to confront my father as soon as I have made sure you get out of here". I looked stunned at her.

"Grace I don't know what to say" I said. She only sneered and grabbed my hand.

"You don't have to say a thing" She said and began running with me out in the hallways "I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for myself. I am trying to stop my family for doing something they regret for the rest of the lives. You are still the annoying girl I met at school, and I am not your friend in any ways. You are only my long last rival got that". I smiled a little and nodded.

"Okay, you are mine too" I just replied "When all this craziness is over, then let's have a duel to see which of us is the best".

Grace stopped up for a minute. First she was confused, but then she actually smiled a little.

"You got it thief girl. You got no chance against my Mask deck" She said and began running "But let's hurry, I overheard father saying he was close at finding a way to gain your powers".

I nodded and we began running faster. Grace was quick turning around the corners in the house, while I was wondering where the hell we were, but soon after we were standing in a entrance hall. Grace quickly opened the door.

"Now hurry. go!" She said and pushed me through the door. I looked puzzled at her.

"I thought you were coming with me?" I asked "Are you gonna stay here?".

"Yeah, they are my family. I will give my life for them. Knowing that is properly how father would see this" She said and grinned over her dry joke "But I will still take the risk, hoping that my brothers and father loves me that much, they forgive me".

Book 1. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh Zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now