Dark mist Emerges. part 2.

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Zaira' p.o.v.

Time skip. Some days later.

Days passes. The school spirit day was over, however it was a day I never would forget. After Yuma and Astral had found me at the river, and Yuma had dragged me to school (it is amazing, how many times Yuma can beg and be persistent), and I was glad he did. As soon as I walked inside the classroom I was surrounded by Caswell, Bronk, Flip, Cat and Tori. They had actually been worried that I didn't shown. Secondly there was no one of the parents who was sending me a look of fear or disgust. Maybe some eyes with pity. Yuma said it was because they were worried about me. I was even greeted by Tori's mom, Caswell and Flip ment she was a angel, and Bronk's mom, who had some seriously bad jokes. Bronk was kind of embarrassed by it. Then we had P.E. And to both me and Yuma's surprise, Kairi and Grandma showed up. The day had been awesome, and I finally been accepted, or so did I feel I was, by people around me. When we was on the way home, Yuma smirked and asked me straight out, if I was gonna run away any longer. I replied that I didn't know. However I had a feeling that I wouldn't do that anymore. Or so I hoped.

Right now Yuma, Bronk and I had a two against one duel. Yuma and Bronk against me. However they boys couldn't beat me. I had just summoned "Diamond dire wolf" to the field. By using a Ou, I could destroy a beast on my side of the field and destroy a card on the boys field. I destroyed "Exploder wolf". If this card was send to the grave, it gave my opponent, or in this case one of my opponents, 1000 points of damage. Yuma's life points hit 0. Then I could destroy a card on the field. I destroyed Bronk's monster and gave him direct attack. His life points hit 0 as well. I had one yet another duel. However then something unexpected happen. Yuma sneered and got up and looked angry at Bronk. He was yelling at Bronk, that it was his fault that they lost. Bronk got angry and replied that it wasn't his fault and well in the end they ended up fighting. Tori and I looked at each other and shrugged. We thought that it was something boys would do, and I had a feeling they would be friends soon. However 3 days passes and Yuma and Bronk were still not friends. Apparently they were both to proud to apologize. They even avoided each other at school. Tori sighed and told me that this was the longest time they had been fighting. She told me a story about how Yuma and Bronk met. Bronk had been one of them in school who had laughed at Yuma, when he told them he was gonna be a duel champion one day. Mostly because he always lost. So Yuma was challenging Bronk to a duel to prove that he was strong and could beat him. Yuma lost, however when he asked for a rematch, Bronk always let him have one, (even though Yuma lost them all) and in the end they became friends. I was stunned by these words. So I decided, with the help from Tori, that it was time they made up. Tori dragged Yuma to the park! I, Bronk. Tori had specific chosen this place, because it was here they became friends for the first time. I had just arrived with Bronk, when I heard, Yuma talk.

"Apologize!" yelled Yuma angry "I am not gonna Apologize!". Tori sneered.

"Well one of you has to be the bigger man Yuma" She said. Yuma snort a little.

"Yeah and Bronk is a way bigger man, so it has to be him" Yuma slowly mumbled, however I could hear it, and so could Bronk.

He was about to leave, when I grabbed his hand and dragged him over there. Yuma was talking with Astral now. Astral suggested they became friends as well and that he should swallow his pride. Yuma had turned his back to Astral and was maybe listening? 5 seconds later he replied.

"I am not gonna apologize, and you know why" He said and turned around and pointed at Astral "Because Bronk is not my friend any longer".

However now Yuma was staring and pointing directly at Bronk. I facepalmed deeply. Tori did the same thing. Bronk was looking coldly at Yuma, then he turned around on the heel and began walking away. I tried to stop him, but he pushed me away. I was sitting on the ground, behind Yuma now. Yuma also tried to stop Bronk, but he pushed him aside as well. Yuma landed beside me now. However when he pushed Yuma, he broke the leach around the key on Yuma's neck. It got tossed out in air and landed some meters away from us all. Bronk sneered.

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