Dark mists and duels part 2.

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Zaira's p.o.v.

I let out yet another scream and in some way felt my body tense. It didn't help that I was still tied by 96's annoying tentacles. My head was also splitting in two in some way. I have closed my eyes and was thinking and mumbling in someway "This is not real. This is not real". However it still didn't stop making me scream once in awhile. If this was an hallucination it was extremely realistic. I knew 96 could have lied and all this pain was real, but right now I just was holding on to this little piece of hope. That this was indeed not real and my brain was hallucinating. I could hear 96 chuckle near me, but ignored him. That was pretty easy since the pain felt so intense. I knew I have told Astral I could take it, but was not sure I could keep this up forever. Then suddenly I heard this voice. It was faint, but I knew it was there.

"Mistress, don't worry. Help is on the way".

I gasped a little. Both because of the pain and because it surprised me a little. Cy was here?! I was smiling inside. Then 96 sure would get beaten. If it was possible I would kick his sorry ass myself.

"96!" yelled Astral suddenly "If I surrender, then what will happen to Zaira?".

I looked in horror. But Cy was gonna free me soon... he couldn't give up now! I bit my lip and slowly opened my eyes. I saw Utopia, being pretty defensive here. I had a feeling that was the reason I haven't felt to much pain for the time being. I took a look at Astral. He looked as calm as ever, which I found weird. My eyes widened. Of course! Astral was a diversion of some sort, so Cy could save me. 96 chuckled.

"It really doesn't concern you Astral" the number said and smirked "I have no intention of telling you. You will know when you join us".

I didn't feel so thrilled by that reply. I wanted to know the answer to that question as well. Astral sneered.

"No! You have to tell me now!" He yelled "I have to know before I join you. I need a clear conscious. I have to know if she is okay before I... ". Astral couldn't finish the sentence. 96 grinned evilly and looked at him.

"Before you become me?" 96 said "I would call this stalling... especially when I think we have an intruder in here".

I looked in horror when I saw 96 create another tentacle and slammed it behind my back. I could hear a loud groan. I had just turned my head to see Cy get slammed in the back by the tentacle. It collapsed in mid air.

"Cy!" I yelled in panic and looked at 96 "Don't hurt him. He is my close friend!".

"I don't think so. Your precious Cy has been torn in my sight, since we first met. It destroyed far to many of my plans already" 96 told me and slammed the tentacle down at Cy's body.

Cy sneered, but refused to scream. I was crying. I wanted to be by my trusted partners side. Cy looked weakly at me.

"I am sorry Mistress I couldn't save you" he told him.

I just shook my head. Just knowing that he was trying, was good enough for me. I was about to say something, but 96 was faster.

"Yes you should be sorry. Did you really think I haven't noticed the changing wind in here and that Astral was a decoy" he told Cy.

The wolf sneered, when it got hit with another blow. Then Cy looked at me and actually smiled a little.

"A decoy eh? Well what if I tell you that he was not the only one" Cy said and sneered.

Before any of us, 96 and me, could do or say a thing, a scream filled the air. I could feel my bonds loosening and suddenly I was tossed through the air. I got catched by some something and I sighed relieved.

Book 1. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh Zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now