Duel sanctuary. the temple girl Haku.

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Zaira's p.o.v.

The bell rang and everyone was being to pack their things in the backpack. Zaira did that as well. However I sighed deeply. Not that school hasn't been fun. Actually I loved the classes. Every single one of them. I was apparently that kind of person who actually loved to learn. Despite my tough past.

"Okay students. Read the next chapter for homework" said Mr. Kay and began packing his things away too. I just nodded a little. I had to remember that.

"Hey Zaira" said a voice behind her. I turned around and saw Bronk and Tori behind me. I just smiled a little, but sighed deeply inside.

"So Yuma is still not showing to school?" asked Tori worried "He hasn't shown for the last three days".

I just nodded. I didn't want to tell them the reason why Yuma had skipped school. Since that duel with Kite, both Yuma and Astral had been down. I could understand them. I really could, but instead of me, who apparently couldn't get my soul stolen, Yuma and Astral would both have disappeared. That the reason they were down. I was of course also down, but more worried, that I had these strange powers. I was not happy about losing either of course.

"So we decided to walk you home" Bronk said and smiled "Then we could also visit Yuma and cheer him up or something. I don't know what have been bothering him, but what friend am I, if I let my friends hanging".

I smiled and agreed, but deep inside my mind, I was wondering. I did let my friends down. I let the deck down. Cy had showed rarely around me. I was wondering if it didn't like me any more?

"Yeah sure, Yuma need some cheering on" I said and was thinking a little "And so does Astral". 

We all walked towards me and Yuma's home. We found Yuma in his room staring out in the blue. He was not even dressed and was sitting on my bed. I looked at Tori and Bronk and smiled a little.

"If you will excuse me for a moment" I said and walked into the room and slammed the door. Then I grabbed Yuma and shook him like hell. Yuma looked really surprised at me. Astral was not even looking at us of course.

"Wah, ah, ah!" said Yuma when I shook him "Zai wha are you doing?". I sneered.

"I am shaking some sense into you!" I said angry "Stop being depressed. Where is your feel the flow?". Yuma looked at me and sighed.

"But I lost, I couldn't do a thing against Kite" Yuma said "He is a whole different league than me". I sneered and shook him some more.

"You lost. Okay I get it!" I screamed "But something seriously needs to change here. You have been so depressed lately. It was just a duel". Yuma sighed a little.

"It was not just a duel" Astral said suddenly "If we had lost, Yuma's soul would vanish and I will disappear". I looked at Astral and sighed.

"I know that" I said "I lost as well, but you can't hang around being depressed. That changes nothing. You two got to keep going". Yuma smiled a little.

"Yeah. We have to be ready" he said "Kite will eventually. We got to be ready".

"I know that" Astral said and sighed "And what if we are not". I sighed a little.

"Then he had at least done our best" I said. Astral looked at me for a moment and smiled a little. Then he sighed again.

"Well you have no worry, because your soul is safe" He said "But I feel some aggressivity from you as well. You are as scared of Kite as we are. You are down as well, but you are just not showing it".

I sighed deeply. Darn that observed Astral! I was about to say something, when someone was knocking at the door.

"Um Zaira, how long are you gonna make us wait" Bronk said and walked in, followed by Tori. I smiled a little.

Book 1. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh Zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now