Chapter One Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter One
Cyrus' POV

I opened my eyes slowly and pushed myself up from the ground, blinking a few times as my eyes focused.

"She's up," a young voice said.

I looked up and saw a young boy, probably about ten years old. I put a hand on the back of my head and felt a bump from where I had been hit. I grimaced and looked around to observe my surroundings.

I was in a clearing, somewhere inside the forest on Neverland. The sun was setting, turning the sky a pink and orange color. There was a campfire in the middle of the clearing and near the edge of the trees, a few tents were set up.

A boy, about eighteen, with dark hair and piercing green eyes, walked over to me. He looked down at me and I looked straight back at him. I knew who this was: Peter Pan. I also knew that I couldn't show any signs of weakness in front of him. I stood up.

"What's your name, love?" Pan asked.

"I'm looking for Felix," I stated plainly.

Pan quirked an eyebrow. "That's not what I asked."

"But it's what you want to know."

He looked irritated. "Just tell me your name." He crossed his arms.

I hesitated. "Cyrus."

"Cyrus, what business do you have with Felix?"

"I'm not answering any more questions until I know that he is alive." I crossed my arms over my chest.

Pan took a breath and nodded. "Very well," he paused. "He's out hunting, he'll be back soon. Until then, make yourself at home." He motioned towards the campsite.

I walked over to a log near the campfire and sat down. Some of the Lost Boys were dancing around the fire while others repaired weapons or just watched the festivities. Pan sat on a log on the other side of the campfire, eyeing me suspiciously. Eventually he took out his pipe and started playing a tune.

At first I couldn't hear the music, then there were a few notes here and there. After a couple of minutes I didn't hear anything, which relieved me.

About fifteen minutes passed before a group of Lost Boys emerged from the forest and walked into the clearing. I looked up and that was when I saw him. My big brother. My Felix.

I stood up and watched as he walked over to Pan. I covered my mouth and tears pricked my eyes. After all these years, I finally found him.

Pan pointed in my direction and Felix turned to look at me. He walked over casually.

"Felix," I said quietly. "Oh my gosh, you're alive..."

I went to hug him but he moved away defensively. "Oh..." I said in sad realization. "You don't recognize me, do you?"

He shook his head and I took his hand. "It's me, Felix," I told him. "Cyrus..."

Felix looked at me in confusion as he pulled his hand away. "I don't know anyone named Cyrus," he stated.

My heart ached at these words. "What?" I choked out. "But I'm your sister..."

He was quiet for a moment, thinking. "Cyrus..." he muttered and his eyes widened. "Cyrus... You should be dead... The village... Pan..."

"Pan's shadow destroyed the village, and you and the other Lost Boys helped... Felix, give me some credit, I fought back. You taught me well; I got away," I explained.

Felix's eyes darkened. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you," I replied.


I tilted my head, confused. "It's been over thirty years... I missed you..."

He was quiet. "...But you just forgot about me..." I whispered. "How could you just forget me...?"

Felix didn't say anything, he just glared at me. "Listen to me, Cyrus," he started sternly. "You will leave Neverland as soon as the sun rises, do you understand?"

"I'm not leaving without you," I told him. I frowned and raised a hand to his face, gently touching his cheek. "What happened to your face...?"

Felix pulled away. "You don't remember..." he muttered.

"Remember what?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I don't want you here, Cyrus. If you don't leave in the morning, you will pay the price."

He turned and stormed away. I stood there, gaping at him. Why would he just push me away like that...?


I'm going to delete the prologue... So yeah. That's a horribly written first chapter but whatever. Any thoughts or suggestions on it? So, comment and don't forget to vote!

Have a blessed day,

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