Chapter Two Pan's POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Two
Pan's POV

I looked over at Cyrus as Felix walked away from her. She looked so heartbroken, so lost... But even so, it appeared as though she couldn't hear my music.

As Felix walked passed me, I grabbed his arm. "Who is she?" I asked.

He glanced back at her and shook his head. "Don't worry about her," he said. "She'll be gone in the morning."

I stood up and looked him in the eye. "I won't ask again, Felix," I started sternly. "Who is she?"

He hesitated. "My sister."

He pulled his arm away and left. I looked back at Cyrus and walked across the campsite. I sat down next to her. She glanced at me, then looked at her lap, visibly upset about her and Felix's conversation.

I studied her in silence for a moment, and was able to see a slight resemblance between her and Felix. They had the same messy, dirty blond hair and piercing, hazel eyes.

"I didn't know Felix had a sister," I finally said.

"He didn't either..." she mumbled.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

She clenched her fists. "You've brainwashed him... Because of you, he forgot all about me... And because of you, he's pushing me away..."

"And tell me, because you're so wise, why would I do this?"

"Because there's no way he'd ever stay here with you if he remembered me."

She looked at me with pure hatred in her eyes. "I will not leave Neverland without my brother."

I returned the glare. "No one leaves Neverland unless I allow them to," I said. "And I will never allow Felix to leave. But you, on the other hand, will have a choice: leave in the morning, or die."

"There's no one that would miss me," Cyrus responded. "I'd sooner die than leave without Felix."

I let out a low growl. "You have until sunrise to make your final decision." I started to walk away.

"That is my final decision," she snapped.

I turned on my heels to see her standing up, holding the hilt of her sword in its sheath.

I chuckled. "A rebellious little thing, aren't you?" I snapped my fingers and one of the boys brought me a sword. "How about a little deal: if you win, I'll give Felix the choice of leaving or staying, and if- when- I win, you will leave Neverland and never come back."

Cyrus seemed to think about this for a moment. "Deal."

I smiled slyly but she continued, "But no magic."

I sighed. "You have my word," I said.

She drew her sword and we were about to fight when Felix grabbed Cyrus' hand.

"You don't know what you're doing, Cyrus," I heard him say. "Pan will kill you."

She pulled away. "I don't think he will," she replied and I rolled my eyes, amused.

Felix was about to argue when I interrupted, "Felix, if the girl wants to fight, let her fight."

He looked at me and sighed before stepping to the side. Being a gentleman, I let Cyrus make the first move. She swung at my side but I easily blocked it and went for her legs. She jumped back and paused, as if mentally planning her attack.

Cyrus took a step closer and faked a swing toward my left arm which I went to block but before our swords could clash, she spun around to my right, as she took a step closer, and hit me in the back with the hilt of her sword.

I turned and was met with her blade slicing my arm. I jumped back in shock and put my hand around the small injury. I pulled my hand back to see blood on my fingers. I clenched my fists and glared at her.

"Alright," I growled out. "Now I'm angry."

Cyrus only smirked. Our swords clashed for a few minutes before I hit her hand with the flat edge of my sword and she dropped her weapon. I swung again and cut her cheek. I pointed my sword at her neck and she stepped back, hesitantly putting her hands up.

"Give up?" I asked.

"If I value my life I suppose I should," she replied and I lowered my sword. She dropped down, resting one hand on the ground as she leaned back slightly and swung her leg out, kicking my legs out from under me. "But I didn't say I would."

She grabbed my sword from me and pointed it at me. "Let my brother go," she hissed.

I slowly reached out and gripped her fallen sword. "No," I growled and kicked her in the stomach before jumping up to my feet.

Cyrus doubled over in pain and I hit her at the base of her neck with the hilt of my sword. She dropped to her hands and knees, and I held my sword above her neck.

"Now give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't kill you right now," I said darkly.

She took a breath, staring at the ground. "You'd be going back on our deal," she told me. "If I lost, you said you'd let me go."

"I did say that, didn't I?" I paused. "Well, I guess I lied."

I lifted the sword above my head and was about to swing down when Felix grabbed my arm. "You made a deal, Pan," he told me. "Let her go."

I looked at him and scowled. "Very well," I said with a sigh and kicked Cyrus onto her side. I knelt down beside her and said quietly, "If you ever return to Neverland, I swear, I will kill you. Do you understand?"

She glared at me as she wiped the blood away from the cut on her cheek. "I understand," she mumbled.

"Now that's a good girl."

I stood up and sulked away, going into my tent.


Ugh, this is so horribly written... >.< Oh well, I did my best but, any thoughts? Comment and vote please! :)

Have a blessed day,

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