Chapter Sixteen Pan's POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Sixteen
Pan's POV

I went back up to the hotel room after Cyrus left. I was annoyed that I had to stay two more days in New York with that stupid girl. Then again, I could just off her as soon as she got back from her friend's place.

I picked up the bag I had brought with me from Neverland and looked through it. Inside, there were a few things that I thought would aid me in putting Cyrus to sleep for good.

I could poison her.

I brought a couple types of poison to New York, along with a rope, squid ink, and a few other various items.

Then again, she wouldn't take anything I give her.

I frowned and looked over the other things I had. A strange feeling washed over me as I did this and it took me a moment to realize that this feeling was guilt.

I didn't understand it. I had killed hundreds of people and never felt an ounce of regret. So why was I feeling this now? Perhaps, because it was rare for me to harm a girl, and this girl was the sister of my best friend. I was worried as to what Felix would do when he found out that I killed her.

Get it together, Peter. It's either her life or yours.

This thought persuaded me a bit and took away the guilty feeling I had. At least, it did for a little while.


Cyrus got back to the hotel around eight O'clock that night. She struggled getting in with her crutches as the door kept wanting to close on her so I got up from the bed and helped her. As I did so, I noticed that she had new clothes on: a sweatshirt and matching pants.

I frowned. "Where did you get those?" I asked.

She looked at me blankly for a minute. "Oh," she said, understanding what I was asking. "Kian noticed how dirty my other clothes were so he lent me these."

"Well wasn't that kind of him," I said, trying not to sound sarcastic but failing.

She rolled her eyes. "Are you upset that I spent so much time with him today?" she asked.

"I just don't want you giving away my secret," I snapped.

"It's my secret too, you know," she said, sitting on the bed. "I'm not from this world either, remember?"

"Yes, but you're not a world-famous story character like I am."

"Oh, so I'm a nobody?"

"Well if you want to put it that way, then yes."

She scowled and narrowed her eyes at me; then her expression softened and she looked away. I frowned. Something was bothering her.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

She shook her head, reaching for the TV remote. She started flipping through the channels. "No," she mumbled. "I'm fine."

"Alright," I said with a shrug. "Now get off my bed."

She raised an eyebrow at me before sighing and using her crutches to help her to the couch.

We decided to call it a night at about 10 PM. Cyrus complained about having to sleep on the couch again but I payed no attention to it.

I woke early in the morning, around 2:30, and could hear Cyrus whimpering. I often heard her crying in her sleep. Back on Neverland, I would check on her during the night to make sure she hadn't gotten away, and she would be crying and thrashing about while she slept. I didn't let her know that I had seen this. Believe it or not, I didn't want to embarrass her. After all, I knew why she spent her nights like this. It was the same reason I did when I first became Peter Pan:


Night terrors often took over my dreams in my first few years of being Pan, brought about by the regret of leaving my son and killing innocent people. But soon, I felt no more regret and the terrors disappeared.

I wondered what it was that brought this feeling to Cyrus. What was it that she did?

After a few minutes, the crying stopped and I heard her sit up. I pretended to be asleep as she made her way to the bathroom, slowly, trying not to hurt her ankle more.

From inside the bathroom, I could hear her muffled sobbing and, for a moment, I wished there was something I could do to help.

They were very similar, she and Felix. They both tried to hide their pain but I could see through it. They both missed each other, though I didn't understand how someone could be so close to their family.

Part of me thought that, for Felix's sake, I should spare Cyrus' life. Maybe I could find a way to still succeed. Leaving her in New York might work. If she couldn't get to Neverland, she wouldn't be able to stop me. There was no need to kill her, was there?

Yes, this could work. I would wait for Cyrus to get her cast on and then I would leave. There was no way she could make it back to Neverland from New York...

Was there?


This sucks but oh well. I promise the next chapter will be more interesting! I have several things planned!

So, tell me what you think?

Have a blessed day,

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