Chapter Twenty-Six Pan's POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Twenty-Six
Pan's POV

"Please, I'll do anything, just help me!"

It had been three days since I put Cyrus in the Pit of Nightmares and three days since I had gotten any sleep. Cyrus cried day and night, making it difficult for me to focus on my plans. Then the crying stopped in the middle of the night.

I sat up from my cot, listening closely, but still I heard nothing. I frowned. The nightmares often drove people to insanity and some found ways to kill themselves in the pit. I was worried that something had happened to Cyrus and ran out of my tent, heading toward the pit.

I looked over the edge and looked down. Cyrus was sprawled out on the ground, either she had fallen asleep or she knocked herself unconscious, and given the circumstances, I knew it couldn't have been the first one.

I jumped into the pit, landing a few feet away from her. I walked up to Cyrus and knelt beside her. "Cyrus," I said, shaking her. She didn't move and I turned her over so I could see her face. "Cyrus."

There was a bloody bump on her forehand and her nails had been broken off and were bleeding from her trying to climb out of the pit. Her clothes were covered in dirt and nail marks lined her upper arms from grabbing them and trying to forget about the living nightmares around her.

Gently, I scooped her up in my arms and flew out of the pit, bringing her to the treehouse. I set her on the bed and made a cloth and bowl of water appear on the nightstand. I dipped the cloth into the water and squeezed it out before placing it on her head where the bump was. I examined the cuts and bruises on her arms and face, frowning. Tears stained her cheeks and her hair was more unruly than usual.

A sting if guilt ran through me but I ignored it as I cleaned and bandaged the worst wounds on her arms. "I'm sorry, Cyrus," I said quietly. "but I had to do it..."

Suddenly, she jolted awake and when she saw me, her eyes darkened and she pushed herself away, huddling on the opposite side of the bed. "Get away from me," she hissed.

She had pushed herself up into a sitting position, causing the cloth on her head to slip down her face. She picked it up and and looked at it, feeling the bump on her head, she winced.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I told her.

"You already have," she said bitterly. "But now I remember everything..."

I looked at her and noticed that her hands were starting to burn with fire. Before I could react, she threw it at me. I caught it in my own hand and extinguished it. "Don't do anything you'll regret," I warned her, clenching my fists.

"I already have," she growled. Cyrus stood up and started walking towards me. "What's one more wrong choice?"

A sword appeared in her hand, dripping with Dreamshade. As she advanced, her steps became shaky and she squeezed her eyes shut, leaning against the bed for support. She raised a hand to her head, cursing under her breath.

Carefully, I took the sword away from her and it disappeared in my hand. I helped her sit down before sitting beside her. She covered her face with her hands, sniffling. "How could you?" she whispered. "How could you put me in that horrible place?"

"I find that it's the best way to punish people that aren't worth killing," I replied. "And if you don't behave, you'll go back there."

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