Chapter Fourteen Mixed POVs

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Fourteen
Pan's POV

It was about eight in the morning when Cyrus woke up. She groaned, mumbled something about the light being too bright, and rolled over on the couch, pulling the blanket over her head.

I stood up from the recliner I was sitting in and opened the curtains further. Cyrus let out an annoyed grunt and sat up, glaring at me.

"Oh don't give me that look," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm going down to the hotel restaurant; are you going to join me?"

"I'm not hungry," she muttered and stood up, rubbing her face tiredly. "I'm going to take a shower."

I nodded and she went into the bathroom. I heard the lock click and the shower turn on.

I went down to the restaurant and ordered. After a few minutes, the food came and I started to eat. I didn't know how much more time passed before someone slid into the seat across from me. I looked up and saw Cyrus.

"Decided you were hungry after all?" I asked, setting my fork on my plate.

She shook her head. "I'm not hungry," she said. "I just... It's been bothering me, ever since you said you were going to take me to a doctor, just, why? Why would you do something that you could very well accomplish with magic?"

"Well, I haven't been away from Neverland in a few years and because a doctor would do better work than magic, I figured I could escape the madness of the island and get you the care you need."

"You're lying," she said plainly. "I don't appreciate being lied to, Pan. Tell me the truth."

"I am."

She narrowed her eyes at me but didn't question it further. "When's the appointment, then?"

"Twelve-thirty," I replied. "If we leave at noon and take a bus, we should be there on time."

"Ok," she muttered.

I nodded and examined her for a moment. Her freshly washed, dirty blonde hair hung damp around her shoulders and her clothes, a black t-shirt and blue jeans, were torn and covered with dirt. I frowned. She can't stay in our hotel looking like that; people will become suspicious as to how we got the money to pay for the room. I didn't need anyone snooping around in my business. Cyrus was already doing that...

"If you want," I started slowly. "we can go shopping before the appointment and get you some new clothes."

Cyrus raised an eyebrow. "What? You don't like the dirty, torn, worn-for-weeks look?" she said semi-jokingly.

"Frankly, no," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Well as intriguing as the offer is, I already have plans," she told me.

I cocked my head to one side. "What plans?" I asked.

She hesitated. "I have a friend up here that I want to visit."

Curiosity ran through me. "Oh, what kind of a friend?"

"Just a friend," she said and stood up. "I'll meet you back in the room at a quarter to noon."

She held her hand out for a room key, which I reluctantly handed to her, and then turned to leave. "Cyrus," I started. "if you tell anyone about me, I will take you back to Neverland where you will live forever but away from Felix."

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