Chapter Twenty-One Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Twenty-One
Cyrus' POV

I heard the bathroom door open and quickly shoved the vials back into the bag before spinning towards Pan, wide-eyed.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "You look anxious," he said. "Is everything ok?"

"Pan, why did you bring me here?" I asked, keeping track of his every move.

"You know why: To get you the help you needed," he replied.

"I know that's not true. Tell me the real reason."

He glanced at the bag and said, "That is the real reason."

"I am so sick of you lying to me," I said. "If you really brought me here just to help me, then what's this?"

I took one of the vials of poison out of the bag and held it up for him to see. His face drained of color, and for once, he didn't know what to say. "I- um..." he stuttered.

"You brought me here to kill me, didn't you?!"

"Cyrus, please let me explain."

I crossed my arms, staring at him expectantly. "Try," I growled out.

"I... I did bring you here with the intention of killing you," he admitted hesitantly, "but then I decided that it wasn't necessary."

"Necessary for what?!"

He tensed up. "It's none of your concern."

"None of my concern?" I said angrily, raising my voice. "I'm pretty sure it is my concern if you were planning to kill me for it!"

Pan quickly shushed me. "If someone hears you, they'll the call the cops," he said worriedly.

"Well let them," I snapped.

He let out a breath. "I'm sorry, Cyrus–"

"No, you're not." I shoved the vial back into the bag and threw it at him. He caught it, holding it numbly in his hands. "You did what you said you would, now leave. Go back to Neverland where you can stay a child forever."

"What about Felix?"

I scowled, trying to blink away the tears of betrayal from my eyes. "You don't care. Just go away and leave me alone."

Pan walked towards the window and I heard it open. "I'll find a way back," I said without turning to look at him. "I'm going to get Felix back and I swear, I will watch you die."

I heard him climb through the window and when I turned around, he was gone. I clenched my fists, angry that I didn't realize it was a trap sooner.

"Idiot," I scowled, letting out a sharp breath.

But why would he want to kill me? And why was it no longer 'necessary'? 

My eyes flicked over to my bag on the coffee table and my mind wandered to the book I had taken from Rumplestiltskin's castle. I moved numbly toward the couch and sat down, pulling the bag toward me. I opened the book, turning to the section on Pan.

The list of those he killed was several pages long, three columns of names on each page. It infuriated me. What I found out about his life in the earlier part of the section, was that Pan had traded his son– Rumplestiltskin, for youth, and now he needed the Heart of the Truest Believer to keep it.

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