Chapter Thirty-Seven Felix's POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Thirty-Seven
Felix's POV

Cyrus seemed on-edge as we walked down the gangplank. She was quieter then usual and her shoulders were tense. There were reunions all around us but instead of watching the festivities as she usually would, she stared at the ground. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me. "I'm fine," she said, noticing the worried look on my face.

"Then you should look happy," I said. "We're finally together but you still look sad."

She hesitated. "As long as Pan is here, he still has a hold on us and we can't be a family, not until he's gone..."


She walked away from me, leaving the dock. I didn't believe she was telling me the truth but I decided it would be best to leave her alone for a while.

Pan stepped past me, staring after Cyrus. I clenched my fists, thinking about him trying to kiss her. He glanced back at me, smirking. My eyes narrowed. I wouldn't trust Pan with my life, much less my sister's heart, so if he thought there was any chance he would get away with what he did, he was wrong. I just had to find a right time to question him.

"So," Emma said as she walked up to me. "are you guys planning on staying for a while or are you going to leave?"

"I think we're going to leave," I said, trying to hide my irritation with the hero.

"I'm afraid that isn't possible," Kian interjected. "Regina told me that anyone effected by the First Curse can't cross the town line."

"But we weren't effected," I stated.

"You weren't, no," he said, an almost mocking tone in his voice. "Cyrus and I, however, were."

"But neither of you were here before I broke the curse; how were you effected?" Emma asked.

"Cyrus created a counter-spell," Kian explained. "She enacted it as Regina's curse hit and used it to send us to New York instead of Storybrooke. We lost our memories of the Enchanted Forest as well."

I took a breath. "So now that Cyrus is here, she can't leave?" Kian shook his head. "What will happen if she does?"

"She'll lose her memories of everything that's happened since she landed on Neverland."


I walked into Granny's Bed and Breakfast and saw Cyrus sitting at the counter, picking at the French fries on her plate. I took the seat beside her. "I was thinking we could head for New York tomorrow morning?" she said without looking at me.

"Actually, Cyrus, that's what I wanted to talk about," I said hesitantly.

"I'm not staying here, Felix."

I sighed. "I know you don't want to but, here's the thing, you kind of have to."

She glared at me. "What do you mean?"

"If you cross the town line, you'll lose your memories again."

I explained about the curse and how, though it effected her indirectly, it was enough to stop her from crossing the line. Her expression of anger quickly turned to one of horror and she stared at me in shock.

When I finished explaining, she was quiet for a minute. "Well," she started slowly. "I lived thirty years without my memories of the Enchanted Forest and I was fine..."

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