Chapter Three Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Three
Cyrus' POV

After my fight with Pan, I left the camp and walked to another part of the island. I sat underneath a tree as I thought about everything. I played with my necklace, a simple feather made from copper. I found it the night our house was burned down. The night my parents died...

Felix and I were once close, up until a few months before he left. He became distant and bitter. He fought more and more with our parents and went out for hours at a time, leaving at sundown and returning at sunrise. And then one day, he just left, and never came back.

I closed my eyes as I remembered that day.

Felix and our parents had just had a fight, I didn't know what it was about. He wouldn't tell me and neither would our parents. I could hear them yelling from inside but couldn't make out the words. Whenever they fought, I was sent outside to the yard so I wouldn't be caught up in the middle of the argument.

I was sitting on the ground reading a book when Felix stormed out of the house. I stood up and ran to him, but he didn't stop walking.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Places," he muttered.

"When will you be back?"



He stopped and looked at me with a small smile. "I promise," he said and kissed my forehead.

These were the last words my brother said to me.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, holding my necklace charm. "Cyrus," a voice said and I recognized it  as Felix.

"You broke your promise," I said.

"What promise?" he asked.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, scowling. "You don't remember anything, do you?" I sighed. "You promised you'd be home soon... But you never came back..."

"Oh... That promise," he muttered. "I'm sor-"

"Just don't..." I said with a broken voice. "I was alone, Felix... All alone... You were the only person that I could talk to... And you just left..."

Felix was quiet for a moment. "I intended to come back, Cyrus, I really did but... Then I got caught up in everything with Pan and... Next thing I knew, I was here and couldn't go back."

"Did you ever regret leaving me?"

Again he was quiet.

"Felix?" I asked after a few minutes had gone by without him answering the question. "Did you ever regret leaving me?"

He slowly shook his head. "No," he whispered. "No, I didn't."

I looked at my lap, clenching my fists as a mix of anger and sadness washed over me. "But Cyrus, the reason I didn't re-"

"I don't wanna hear it, Felix," I mumbled. "I don't care anymore."


"Just leave me alone..."

He sighed and stood up. "I really am sorry, Cyrus," he said before he left.

Once again I was alone. I suppose, that by now, I should be use to being alone, but I wasn't. I hated being alone but I had no one. I had no family aside from Felix, and it seemed that even he didn't care about me. I didn't have many friends, only one or two, really. I had always been different and people avoided me for reasons that I didn't know. Maybe they could sense trouble; if that's what you could call me. Trouble.

So I was alone.

Always alone.

A somewhat familiar, burning sensation ran through my veins. I couldn't place where or when I had felt it before, I just knew I had. I wondered what it was but didn't give much thought to it at the time.


I had fallen asleep by the tree, and woke up in the middle of the night to the scent of smoke. I opened my eyes and saw flames surrounding me. I stood up and looked around, searching for an escape but I found none.

"Help!" I yelled. "Felix! Help me!"

Pan appeared behind the flames, staring at me. "Help!" I yelled to him.

He took a step forward but was met with a force field of some sort. The shield was all around me, keeping the fire and smoke in and keeping everyone else out.

"What did you do?" Pan yelled at me.

"I didn't do anything!" I snapped before coughing from the smoke filling my lungs. "Please help me!"

"I can't get through,"  he stated coldly. "I'm sorry."

I dropped to my knees, going into a coughing fit. After a few minutes, I blacked out.

I woke up to someone kicking me. I looked up to see Pan standing over me. I frowned. "I thought you couldn't get through?" I asked quietly.

"When you passed out, the shield dropped," he replied.

"How did that happen?"

He shrugged. "Do you have magic?" I shook my head. "Then I don't know."

"Thank you for helping me..."

Pan just glared at me. "Get off of my island," he said coldly.

I stood up and crossed my arms. "I'll be back for Felix," I told him. "Don't you think for a second that I'd just leave him here with you."

"He won't go with you. He's too loyal to me."

"That may be, but blood is thicker than water," I clenched my fists. "I'll find a way to get my brother back, I swear I will, or I'll die trying."

"That can be arranged," he growled out.

I studied him for a moment, looking for any signs of deceit. There were none. He really would kill me. I quirked an eyebrow when I realized that the cut on his face was gone, not even a scar showed up on his cheek. He was a fast healer. I would need to know that when I returned.

"How do I get off of this island?" I asked.

Pan whistled and his shadow appeared. Before I knew it, it had grabbed me and we were flying through the air.

I knew well that Pan would be prepared for my return, so I would be preparing as well. I was going to get Felix back, no matter what the cost.

I wasn't going to be alone any longer.


And that's chapter three. I do hope you enjoyed it. Any comments or ideas as to what should happen?

Have a blessed day,

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