Chapter Forty-Five Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Forty-Five
Cyrus' POV

Hesitantly, I walked back into the diner and to the table Kian and I were sitting at moments before. I picked up the cup of coffee he was drinking and examined it. I ran my finger around the rim, feeling a grainy substance against my skin. I clenched my jaw, closing my eyes for a moment. Poison.

I set the cup down and stormed toward the door. Throwing it open, I collided into another person. They grabbed my upper arms, just as shocked as I was. "Cyrus?" Felix said and I stared up at him. "What's wrong?"

It was then that I realized I was crying. I wiped my eyes, shaking my head. "K-Kian's been poisoned," I replied more brokenly than I had intended. "I think Pan did it..."

He frowned. "Why would he do that?"

"I- I don't know," I clenched my fists. "I need to go."

I tried to go past him but he held on to my arms. "Cyrus," he sighed. "I know you care about Kian, but we need to leave."

"No," I said quickly. "I can't just leave him."

"I know, but Kian is not your responsibility," he said. "I need to look after you and keep you safe and the only way I can do that is by leaving Storybrooke."

"And we will leave," I told him. "Just not tonight."

He tightened his grip on my arms. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't," I rolled my eyes. "Stop worrying about me so much; I can take care of myself."

"Families protect one another, Cyrus. And isn't that what you want? To be a family?"

"Of course, b-"

"Then let me do what I'm supposed to."

For a minute, I didn't say anything. "Just give me tonight to make sure Kian's ok," I said quietly. "I swear, we'll leave first thing in the morning, all right?"

Felix took a breath and let it out slowly. "All right."

"Thank you," I breathed out.

I walked past him, thinking about what to do: Go to he hospital for Kian, or find Pan for revenge. After a moment, I decided on the hospital and a cloud of smoke surrounded me, taking me to my desired destination.

I made my way up to the front desk quickly. "I'm here for Kian Drake," I said. "He was just inmitted."

"Just a second, please," the receptionist said as he typed something into the computer in front of him. "Yes, the doctor should still be with him right now but if you take a seat, I'll call you when I have more information if I could just have your name?"

"Cyrus Parks," I muttered before I went to sit down.

It felt like hours had passed before I heard my name called from the desk. I looked up from my lap, hesitant, and then stood and walked to the receptionist. "It seems Mr. Drake has been emitted into the ICU," he said.

"What? Will he be ok?!" I asked worriedly.

"I'm afraid I can't give out patient information."

"Well... Well, can I see him?"

"Are you family?"

For a moment, I stared at him blankly, then shook my head.

"I'm sorry," he said, frowning. "Only immediate family is allowed in the ICU."

"But... h-he doesn't have any family," I said. "Please, I'm the only one th... I just need to see him. Please."

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