Chapter Forty-One Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Forty-One
Cyrus' POV

Hesitantly, I raised my hand and knocked on the wooden door in front of me. After a moment of waiting, I turned to leave, relieved and saddened at the occurance. "Cyrus," I heard Mary-Margaret say and I turned back to face her. "can I help you?"

"Um, yeah..." I took a breath. "I needed someone to talk to... But if you're busy, I can come back later."

"No, no, it's fine," she replied, opening the door wider. "Please, come on in."

A few minutes later, I was sitting at the table with a cup of tea in front of me. "So what's wrong?" Mary-Margaret asked as she sat across from me.

Everyone else, she had told me, was out searching for Pan, so we wouldn't be interrupted while we were talking. "Well, you ever heard of Hades?"

She frowned. "Yes, why?"

"I made a deal with him..."

I explained about Sawyer and Jacob and how I had been so desperate to get my son back. I told her about the deal I made with Hades and also how I wasn't sure if I would be able to go through with it. She sat there, quietly nodding and drinking her tea as she listened.

When I had finished, she set down her mug and asked, "Could you try to make a new deal with Hades?"

I shook my head. "It's the only thing he wants," I replied. "He won't accept anything else. I love Sawyer with all my heart but... I can't take another life, not even Pan's, not anymore."

Mary-Margaret pursed her lips, thinking. "Well, of course I can't condone the murder of another human being- even Pan, but I think this choice is up to you."

"I have to get my son back," I took a shaky breath. "But, Felix wants to leave tonight... That means I'd have to do it today and I just... I don't think I can."

"I'm sorry, Cyrus," she said. "but I can't help you with this one."

I sighed. "Ok, thanks for listening..."

I stood up and headed for the door, leaving silently. I sulked out of the building, shoving my hands into my jacket pockets.


I stopped, scowling at his voice.

I have a surprise for you. Meet me in the forest.

I let out a breath.

Wow, you curse a lot for an old-fashioned girl.

Smoke engulfed me as I transported to the forest, my arms crossed. "Pan," I said, annoyed with him.

"Pan?" he asked, pushing off a tree and walking toward me. "That's so formal. Why not, say, Peter?"



"Why? What's wrong with 'Pan'?"

"Because Pan is the heartless monster," his hands slipped down my arms and to mine, intertwining our fingers. "And Peter is the boy who can love."

He stared down at my lips, a smirk pulling at his own. I took a step away from him, pulling my hands out of his and instead, played with my necklace. I cleared my throat awkwardly. "You said you had a surprise?"

"Yes, follow me," he said and took my hand, pulling me through the trees.

He led me to a well in the middle of a clearing. "What is this?" I asked, my heart speeding up as I thought of the images my past self showed me about the prophecy.

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