Chapter Six Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Six
Cyrus' POV

Cyrus. Cyrus, wake up.

I groaned in my sleep.


My eyes snapped open and I shot up. "What's wrong?" Neal asked from where he was standing.

I looked around in the darkness and could just make out his figure, then I looked over and saw Mulan sleeping on the ground. I guess they had changed shifts.

"Um," I paused. " I thought I heard someone calling me..."

Neal shook his head. "No one said anything," he told me.


"I heard it again," I brought my knees up to my chest. "The voice... It sounds so familiar... Light and airy, yet dark and mysterious..."

Follow me.

I stood up and Neal watched me, confused. "It's calling me..."

"Cyrus, don't listen to it," he said as I started walking away from the clearing we were in and towards the woods. "We don't know what's out there."

Just follow my voice, Cyrus.

I continued walking, ignoring him. "I need to know what it is," I said.

Neal grabbed my arm but I pulled away easily. His hands latched onto my shoulders and he turned me to look at him. "That voice could lead you to a monster," he said sternly.

You need to remember.

"Remember..." I mumbled, frowning. "Remember what...?"

Who you are.

I tried to pull away from Neal but his grip was too strong. "Let me go," I said sternly.


I tensed at his tone and shook my head. "There are things about me that I don't remember, and I want so badly to remember..." I said pleadingly. "Maybe it'll help me get my brother back... Please, let me go."

He looked at me, deciding what he should do. "If you're not back by morning, we leave without you," he told me and I nodded. "Then go."

Hesitantly, he took his hands off my shoulders and I turned. I paused and looked at him. "Thank you, Neal," I said quietly.

He waved it off and I ran towards the woods, following the voice.

Just a little further, Cyrus.

I moved swiftly through the darkness and soon spotted a light a few yards away. I ran towards it and entered a small clearing. I saw a woman, looking to be in her mid-thirties, with long, flowing hair and a silky dress that reached the ground. There was a faint light emitting from her.

"Who are you?" I asked, feeling my heart beat swiftly with fear.

"I am an oracle," she replied in a gentle, welcoming voice. It was almost too welcoming. "You want to know of your past, correct?"

I nodded. "Yeah," I paused. "Wh-why, when I asked him about the scar on his face, did my brother say 'you don't remember'?"

"There are many things you don't remember, Cyrus," the Oracle said. "You chose to forget because of what you did, and what you will do, what you're destined to do."

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