Chapter Five Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Five
Cyrus' POV

I stared up at the Shadow as it left me, abandoned, in the ruins of my old village. "Please take me back," I whisper, holding back tears. "Take me back..."

I dropped to my knees and put my head in my hands, sobbing softly. All I wanted was to get my brother back but now here I was, stuck in the Enchanted Forest with no one around for who knows how many miles.

A minute passed before I heard people speaking; a man and a woman, it sounded like. My head snapped up as I scanned the forest's edge for the source of the voices. I stood up and looked for a place to hide among the rubble. My eyes soon landed on the remains of a house. Most of the frame was still standing but only one wall remanded, the rest had been burned to the ground so many years ago.

I ran toward the house and hid behind the wall. The voices paused. Then I heard one say quietly, "Did you hear something?"

I held my breath, praying they wouldn't find me. A few moments passed and I didn't hear anything. I took a step backwards, hoping to make a run for the forest, but I tripped over a fallen board and landed on the rotting wood and ashes of the burned village. I yelped before scowling at myself for being so stupid.

A few seconds later, a sword appeared around the corner and pointed at me. My eyes widened as I saw a man and a woman. The woman was wearing battle armor and the man had on modern-day clothes from the Land without Magic.

I held my hands in my front of me, showing that I meant no harm. "It's just a kid," the woman said as she slid her her sword into its sheath at her waist.

I rolled my eyes at the term she used to describe me. A kid. Was that really all people saw me as?

The man extended his arm to help me up. "Are you all right?" he asked.

I hesitantly nodded before taking his hand. He pulled me to my feet and I wobbled a moment before finding a firm place to stand amid the village ruins.

The man scanned the village before looking back at me. "What happened here?" he asked.

"Um... Um," I was quiet, should I tell him about Pan? No. I don't think so. "It was attacked and destroyed many years ago."

"Why are you here, then?" the woman asked. Her voice was not nearly as kind as the man's and this made me become defensive.

"I could ask you the same question," I retorted.

She looked upset with my answer and was about to say something when the man did, "We're just passing through... Where is your family?"

I looked around the village, remembering the old homes, my neighbors and my parents, yet no remorse came with the thought of my parents being dead. I simply shook my head and he understood.

"Is there someplace we can take you?" the man asked.

"Neal," the woman scolded. "we don't have time to babysit children."

The man- Neal- looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "She hardly looks like a child," he stated. "We can't just leave her alone here."

"I have no place to go," I said, answering Neal's earlier-asked question. "I wouldn't want to slow you down. I'll be fine on my own."

"We can at least take you to the next village," Neal insisted.

I thought about this for a minute. "I suppose, if it's not too much trouble."

"No trouble at all. I'm Neal and this is Mulan," he motioned towards the woman.

I nodded slowly. "Cyrus."

After a few hours of walking with small conversations here and there, curiosity got the best to me and I asked, "Where are you two headed?"

Neal and Mulan glanced at each other. "That is none of your concern," Mulan replied sharply.

I sent her a sarcastic glare. "Fine, don't tell me," I mumbled.

"So, Cyrus," Neal started, changing the topic. "how did you get to the village?"

I drew in a sharp breath. "A creature..." I replied slowly, carefully thinking about my next words. "I was looking for my brother and the monster that rules over the land he is stuck on didn't want me taking him. So it had one of its minions take me to the old village."

"What kind of monster?" Mulan asked, intrigued.

"One that only looks out for himself," I responded. "and kills anyone who defies him. I suppose I got away lucky but then again, it may be because I am a girl, and he's not use to dealing with girls."

"What is this monster called?" she asked.

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. "You don't want to know."

How could I say that the monster who held my brother captive was Peter Pan? After all, I didn't even know if these people were trustworthy. And I'm sure they felt the same way about me.

When night fell, Mulan volunteered to stay awake and keep watch for half the night, then she would wake up Neal to watch for the rest. I offered to take one of the shifts but they argued, saying that I should sleep. I was too tired to fight with them about the matter and soon I had fallen asleep on the hard ground, using a log as an uncomfortable pillow.


I don't know what the ending was tbh... Oh well, I tried. So, thoughts on the chapter??
Guys, make sure to check out my original story! It would mean a lot of you did! Thank you!

Have a blessed day,

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