Chapter Thirty-Eight Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Thirty-Eight
Cyrus' POV

I stormed to the Bed and Breakfast to get a room, wanting to be away from everyone for a while. Pan was getting on my nerves and the prophecy was setting me even more on-edge than ever. Kian had to bring up Jacob and Wendy mentioned Sawyer and so the pain of what happened with them was fresh once again.

I collapsed on the bed, feeling the weight of all that was going on and of what had happened in the past fall on my heart. I sat up and looked in the full-size mirror that was on the other side of the room. I frowned. My hair was a tangled mess and my clothes were covered in dirt. I could feel the grime on my arms and it made me cringe.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the water and waited for it to get warm. As I showered, I kept hearing something. At first it was faint and I couldn't make out what the voice was saying. Then it became clearer.

Help... Help me.

I thought it was Pan, but as it became louder, I realized it wasn't. "Sawyer," I whispered.

Please don't leave me here.

I shook my head. "He's dead," I told myself. "He's dead. He's dead. He's dead..."

Help me...

The voice stopped after that. I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around myself. I waited a few minutes to make sure the voice didn't come back before I pulled back the shower curtain and stepped, shakily, out. Looking at the clothes on the floor in disgust, I waved my hand and a new set of clothes appeared on the counter.

After getting dressed, I sat on the edge of the tub and started brushing my hair. I heard the outside door open and froze. "Cyrus?" Felix asked.

I let out a breath of relief. "In here," I called.

I unlocked the door with my magic and he came in. "You look tense," I said. "Something wrong?"

"No," he replied. "I was thinking, why wait until tomorrow? We could leave tonight instead."

I set my brush in my lap. "Actually, I've changed my mind about leaving right away," I said slowly. "I'd like to stay around here for a little bit and besides, I do like having my memories..."

"Come on, Cyrus, don't lie to me," he said. "I know you don't want to stay."

I shrugged as I put my hair in a loose ponytail. "It's a nice town."

"But would you like to stay?"

I was quiet as I picked up my old clothes from the floor. "Sure."

"No, you don't," he sighed. "I know about your deal with Pan, Cyrus."

I looked at him, keeping my expression neutral. "So?"

"So? He blackmailed you into dating him!"

"Is that a problem?" I asked. "I've blackmailed thousands. What kind of person would I be if I couldn't take what I gave out?"

"Cyrus, he's a monster," he insisted. "I told you, if you give him your heart-"

"I'm not going to!" I hissed. "I'm going on one date with him, Felix, so calm down."

"I just want to protect you."

I clenched my fists. "Well you don't have to," I growled. "I'm smarter than giving my heart to another man."

He raised an eyebrow. "Another? You mean Kian?"

I took a breath. "Sure."

I tried to step past him and into the bedroom but he took my arm. "Has someone else hurt you?"

"In three hundred years, what do you think?"

"Who was he? What'd he do?"

"That's my business."

I pulled my arm away and pushed past him. I sat on the bed and picked up the TV remote. "And anyway, he's dead now," I said. "It doesn't matter anymore."

I turned on the TV and started flipping through channels. Felix sat on the other bed, sending me a worried look. "Make sure you don't get too involved with him, Cyrus," he said gently.

"I won't, I swear."


Two nights later, I couldn't sleep. I refused to leave with Felix whenever he mentioned it and I hadn't seen Pan since our argument in the forest. I tossed and turned in bed but no matter what I did, I couldn't fall asleep. Everything seemed wrong and it was making me anxious. Finally, I began to drift off.

Help me!

I jolted awake again, pushing myself up from the bed. "Sawyer?!"

Felix turned in his bed to look at me. "What's wrong?" he asked tiredly.

"I-I thought I heard something," I said, looking around the room. "I'm sorry... It's been happening a lot lately."

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, it's just stress... I'm sorry."

"It's ok. Just go back to sleep."

I laid back down but couldn't fall asleep. After another hour had passed, I saw a flicker of light under the door. I sat up and glanced over at Felix, who was sound asleep. I stood and walked to the door, opening it quietly and peering out. I felt to check that my dagger was still at my waist before stepping into the hallway to look around.

"Hello, Cyrus," I heard Pan say in his own voice. "Did you miss me?"

I spun around to look at him. He leaned against a wall, arms crossed, piercing green eyes staring right at me. Seeing him in his own body again made my stomach twist. "Pan, how did you-"

He marched up to me, causing me to step back in shock. He reached out and grabbed my face, kissing me roughly. My eyes widened and for a moment, I was frozen as I tried to think of what to do. Carefully, I reached for my dagger, sliding it out of its sheath, I gripped it in my hand. Before I could do anything to harm him, Pan took hold of my wrist and slipped his hand down to mine, taking the dagger from me. It disappeared and I could feel his smirk against my lips.

He pulled away and moved his hand from my face to my arm. "You owe me a date," he purred. "And I intend to cash in on that debt tonight. Come on."

I didn't have to time to protest before he took my hand and green smoke engulfed us. We appeared in front of Granny's Diner where there was a table set for a fancy dinner outside. Pan snapped his fingers and the candles on the table lit instantly. With another snap, soft music began playing from seemingly nowhere. Another flick of the wrist caused his clothes to turn into a green-and-brown-patched suit similar to, but much more formal, than his regular outfit. He nodded at me and I looked down, seeing that my sweatpants and tank-top had turned into the dress he had conjured up while I was dancing with the Lost Boys on Neverland.

Pan pulled out one of the chairs for me. "Forgive me if this seems cliché," he said. "but it's been a few centuries since my last date."


I don't know, this chapter was kind of a mess. Oh well, next one will be their date! So, I can go two ways with this right now: Bring in Hades, or bring in Jacob. I don't know which but depending on which you guys want, I might have to change something in this chapter. I don't know yet. So, who do you guys want? Hades or Jacob?

Have a blessed day,

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