Chapter Seventeen Pan's POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Seventeen
Pan's POV

Cyrus agreed to meet me for breakfast after she took a shower and then we would go to the mall to find her more presentable clothes. Before I left her, I had noticed that her eyes were red and swollen from crying but I didn't mention it.

After we had eaten, we took the bus to the large shopping center. "So, where do you want to go?" I asked as I looked at the mall directory.

She pointed toward a store name: Hot Topic. I frowned. "I've never been there," I said.

"You live on an island in a different land, of course you've never been there," she said with an eye roll.

She motioned for me to follow her through the crowded mall, pausing to look in the windows of stores every now and then. When we reached Hot Topic, we went separate ways to look at the items for sale. The store was dark and punk rock music played as we shopped.

All around was merchandise for various fandoms ranging from Anime to Doctor Who to Disney. There were t-shirts for bands I didn't recognize from being in this land only a few times as well as a few I had heard of.

"Pan, check it out," Cyrus called and I walked over to her.

She held up a shirt that showed a moon crescent and the outlines of four characters that I recognized as me, Wendy and her brothers from Disney's version of my story. Underneath the picture were the words 'Take me to Neverland'. Cyrus laughed. "If only people knew," she said.

I rolled my eyes. After a few minutes, she decided on a gray t-shirt with a little blue creature on it and had 'Ohana' written underneath the animal, as well as a pair of black skinny jeans.

As we were walking out of the store, I asked, "So, what is that thing on the shirt you got?"

She stared at me for a minute. "You've never seen Lilo and Stitch?"

"No," I said.

She sighed. "With unending youth, comes deprived childhood," she paused, looking at a movie store nearby. "Come on."

She pulled me toward the store and picked out a couple of movies. I was looking at one titled Monster's Inc. Cyrus took it from me. "This is one of my favorites," she said.

We shopped for a few hours, buying several things from various stores before getting on the bus to go back to the hotel. "Pan," Cyrus started as we got off the bus. "we need a DVD player to watched those movies, so I was thinking, my friend's working all day, we could go over to his place and watch them. He lets me come and go as I please so he won't mind."

"You sure he won't care that there's a total stranger in his home?" I asked.

"I'm sure."

I shrugged. "Alright, then."

She led me through the busy streets to her friend's apartment. She took a key out of her pocket and unlocked the door. "You have a key to your friend's apartment?" I asked quizzically.

"Yeah," she replied , pushing the door open. "Unlike you, Pan, Kian trusts me."

"What an idiotic mistake," I mumbled and she shot me a glare.

We walked into the apartment. "You can set the bags down there," Cyrus said, nodding towards the kitchen table as she moved to the cabinets.

She opened one and took out a couple of packages of popcorn. "Your friend lets you steal his food?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "I always take food when I'm here. He doesn't care."

I shrugged and took the movies out of one of the bags. Cyrus placed one of the popcorn bags into the microwave and glanced at me. I was staring at a framed picture of Cyrus, a park in the background of the photo.

"Are you sure you and, uh, Kian, are 'just friends?'" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied. "Why?"

"He has your picture on the table."

She laughed. "We're best friends, of course he has my picture."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Okay," I muttered.

After instructing me on how to put the DVD into the player, Cyrus opened the two bags of hot popcorn and poured the contents into a large bowl. Then she walked over to the couch, setting the bowl on the table and picking up the remote. "Alright, which one did you put in?" she asked.

"That Lilo and Stitch one since you were making such a fuss over it earlier," I replied.

She sat on the opposite end of the couch from me, resting her feet on the coffee table. "Cool."

She skipped the commercials on the DVD and hit play when the screen came up. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. For a while, I felt like a normal human being instead of the heartless monster most people took me as.

"What?!" I exclaimed at one point. "He can't just take her away from her sister! That's not fair!"

Cyrus gave a small laugh. "No, it's not," she said. "No one should be forced away from their family."

A sting of guilt ran through me and I glanced at her. She was still staring at the TV but I could see the hurt in her eyes. Cyrus was a decent girl and she didn't deserve the pain I was inflicting upon her. But there was nothing I could do to stop it now.

About three movies later, Cyrus had fallen asleep beside me. Sometime during the movies, she had moved closer to me because I 'was hogging the blanket.'

Her breathing was slow and quiet, hitching every once in a while. She had her legs resting on the couch, curled up on the soft cushions. I pulled the blanket over her shoulders and she shifted slightly, before snuggling against me, resting her head on my shoulder. My eyes widened, shocked at the action, then a small smile crept onto my lips.

We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity but was only a few minutes before the apartment door opened and a male voice said, "Cyrus?"

A guy, probably around eighteen years old, walked inside. He looked over at us and his eyes widened, then narrowed with anger. "Who are you?" he asked.

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