Chapter Thirty-Two Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Thirty-Two
Cyrus' POV

I ran to my camp, coming to a stop before glancing behind me. My breathing was heavy and my heart was beating abnormally fast, whether from running or the shock of Pan trying to kiss me, I wasn't sure.

"Cyrus," Kian said and I turned to look at him. "are you all right?"

Numbly, I nodded. "Yeah," I replied. "Yeah, let's go."

"Is Felix coming?"

I looked at the ground, taking a breath. "No."

We walked to the other side of the island where the Jolly Roger was docked. As we neared the ship, I found it becoming harder to keep walking. I finally stopped, shaking my head. "I can't leave without him," I said.

"What?" Kian asked, stopping to look at me.

"I spent centuries looking for Felix," I explained. "And I will not leave without him."


"Take this cuff off," I ordered, holding out my arm. "then get to the ship. I'll be there soon."

Knowing it was useless to argue with me, he did as he was told. I turned back toward Pan's camp. I didn't want to see the monster after what he tried to do but I had to get Felix, whether he agreed to go with me or not. I flicked my wrist, appearing back in my enemy's camp. "Back so soon, my pet?"

The voice made my skin crawl and I had to force myself to look at him. "I came for my brother," I stated, narrowing my eyes at him. "And my dagger."

"Oh, you mean the knife you left in my arm a little while ago?" he asked and I clenched my fists.

He tossed the dagger and it landed in front of me, the blade sticking in the ground. "You know, Cyrus, there are ways to reject someone that don't involve stabbing them."

"There are also ways to kiss someone that don't involve pinning them down against their will," I snapped.

Without taking my eyes off of Pan, I pulled the dagger out of the earth and slid it into its sheath. "I don't like what you tried to do," I said, anger lacing my tone. "Most men wouldn't dare attempt a thing like that with me."

"Cyrus, you're the most dramatic person I've ever met," he said, rolling his eyes. Then he smirked. "I think you wanted me to kiss you, but you just don't want to admit that you're falling for me."

"Falling for you?" I scoffed. "Why would I fall for an immature child such as yourself when I already have a perfect boyfriend?"

"Kian?" he asked. "The person who hits you when he's angry is 'a perfect boyfriend'?"

"To me, he is!" I yelled. "I'm happy with him– I love him. Can't you—"

"If you love him, then why didn't you tell him?!"

I cocked my head to the side. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

He was quiet for a moment, realizing his mistake. "When he told you he loved you," he said. "why didn't you say it back?"

"Were you spying on us?"

"Why didn't you say it back?" he asked again, frustration evident on his face.

"I don't need to explain myself to you."

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