Chapter Eighteen Pan's POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Eighteen
Pan's POV

"Um," I paused, I couldn't call myself Pan in front of this stranger. "I'm Peter; and I'm guessing you're Kian?"

"That would be correct." His hands balled into fists at his side. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?"

My mouth dropped open. "Girlfriend?" I said in shock. "Cyrus told me you were just friends."

He scowled. "Well, she's always been one to lie." He walked towards us. "Wake up, Cyrus." He shoved her roughly, anger clear on his face.

She groaned and her eyes fluttered open. "Oh, hi, Kian," she said quietly with a small smile.

He crossed his arms and nodded towards me. "Care to introduce to me to your friend?" he asked bitterly.

She sat up, eyeing him curiously. "Are you upset with me?" she asked.

"Upset?" He took a breath. "I come home to find my girlfriend with some strange guy that I've never seen before but why would I be upset?"

"He's just a friend, Kian, relax."

He was quiet for a minute. "Cyrus, can I speak to you alone?"

Cyrus looked at me. "Go wait in the hall," she said sternly and I did as I was told.

From inside the apartment, I could hear the two of them yelling at each other.

"I've seen you with plenty of your other female friends and I've never gotten upset!" Cyrus yelled.

"Well I've never fallen asleep next to one of them!" Kian yelled.

"You cannot blame me for that!"

After a few more minutes of yelling, Cyrus yelped and it became quiet. Then the door opened and Cyrus stormed out, keeping her head down and away from me as she slowly made her way on her crutches toward the door.

"Cyrus?" I asked. "What happened?"

"It doesn't matter," she snapped.


"Get the door."

I sighed and went to open the door for her. Cyrus avoided looking at me the entire walk back to the hotel. She was digging her fingernails into her crutches and I could tell by her hitched breathing that she was trying to hold back tears.

Worry pulled at my stomach as an awful thought crossed my mind. Had Kian hit her? I doubted it but still the thought lingered.

As we made our way up to our room, Cyrus continued to avoid me. "Are you alright, Cyrus?" I asked.

"I'm fine," she muttered.

I held the door open for her and immediately she went into the bathroom. I heard the click of the lock and her crutches crash against the tile floor. Cyrus was grumbling and I did my best to ignore it. After a few minutes, the door opened and she walked out of the bathroom.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I asked her and she nodded. "Then why won't you look at me?"

"Because there's no law that says I have to," she said, annoyed.

I stood up from chair I was sitting in and walked towards her. "Look at me," I ordered. She didn't. "I told you to look at me."

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