Chapter Twenty-Eight Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Twenty-Eight
Cyrus' POV

Pan let me stay at the camp during the day and he, Felix, or both, escorted me back to the treehouse for the night. The two of us hadn't really said much since we spoke at the campfire and I couldn't tell much of how he felt anymore. He wasn't lying when he said he would be more careful about putting his walls up. I had never let him see how I felt or what I was thinking. Even without my memories, I always made sure I kept my walls strong.

I hadn't been able to sleep for more than a couple of hours, the nightmares taking over soon after I had fallen asleep, so my nights were typically spent practicing with my magic. After almost thirty years without it, it was weak and needed to be strengthened.

A few days after the campfire dancing, I woke up to a stack of pancakes and sausage on the nightstand. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "You forgot the syrup," I said. "And the apple."

"You're so picky," Pan said, appearing at the bottom of the bed.

"Well you should know what I like by now."

He rolled his eyes and made an apple and cup of maple syrup appear next to the plate. I picked up the apple. "You could at least say thank you," he mumbled.

"Thank you, Peter Pan, for being so kind," I said sarcastically.

"You're quite welcome," he replied.

I gave him an annoyed look and took a bite out of the apple. "Pan," I started, chewing slowly. "what happened to Kian? I haven't seen him since we got here..."

"I've put him back to work as a Lost Boy," he said and I looked at him questionably. "Don't worry; I haven't hurt him."

"Okay," I took another bite of the apple. "So, what are today's activities?"

"Felix and the other's will be out hunting while we go to Dark Hollow."

"Dark Hollow?" I asked. "Why are we going there?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." He smirked. "Meet me at the compound when you're ready."

He left and I was once again alone in the treehouse. I ate in silence then got dressed, changing into the outfit Pan had conjured up for me a few days earlier. I climbed down the ladder and started toward the camp, running a brush I had created through my hair as I walked.

When I arrived at the camp, Pan was sitting on one of the logs, his back to me. His shoulders were shaking and he had his head in his hands. Slowly, I walked up to him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, I asked quietly, "Pan?"

He flinched at my touch and refused to look at me for a moment, running a hand across his face. Finally, he stood up. "Why must girls take so long to get ready?" he muttered angrily, stepping away from me. "Come on; let's go."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"What a stupid question," he scowled. "Of course I'm okay."

I frowned. "You look like you've been crying," I said, noticing his puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks.

"Well I haven't been," he snapped. "I'm perfectly fine so let's just go."

I followed him into the woods, staying a few feet behind. His hands were clenched and he yelled at me occasionally for being 'so slow.' That's when I realized what he was doing, something I did all the time: Hide the pain with anger. Whenever I had been crying and I didn't want people to ask what was wrong, I put up a wall of fiery angry.

The Pan I saw crying at the camp, wasn't Pan. I determined that that, was Peter. The Peter behind the Pan. I wished he hadn't left as quick as he had come but he did and was soon replaced with the Pan I knew.

"Pan," I said after a few minutes of silence. "do you want to talk?"

"I told you: I'm fine," he growled out.

"Come on; I know you're not," I said. "I know how you feel and I know that you're not okay."

"Just leave it be," he snapped, spinning around to face me.

I kept my face free of emotion until he turned back around. "I'm sorry for wanting to help you," I muttered.

"But you can't help me," he said in frustration.

"I use to think the same but I was wrong," I said persistently. "Pan, anyone can help you if you just let them."

"Don't patronize me, Cyrus."

"I'm not trying to," I protested. "But I know what it's like hiding behind your anger to keep your pain a secret."

He shook his head, looking at me again. "There's no way you can know how I feel so don't pretend to."

I sighed and choose to stay quiet the rest of the way to Dark Hollow. When the trees became bare and the air so thick it was hard to see, I knew we had arrived. "What exactly are we doing here?" I asked.

I didn't hear an answer and, upon looking up, saw that he was no longer in front of me. "Pan?"

I spun around but still didn't see him. Then something slapped around my wrist. "I can't have you getting in my way tonight, Cyrus," he said from behind me.

Without looking at the object on my wrist, I knew what it was: A cuff to restrict my magic. A rope appeared around my waist and tied to a tree, bound by a protection spell. "If you hurt Henry," I said. "I'll never forgive you."

"I don't need your forgiveness."


I'm at a bowling party and I've won both of the games. Here goes win number three (wish me luck).

Have a blessed day,

Update: I lost 😓😂

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