Chapter Thirty-Six Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Thirty-Six
Cyrus' POV

"Cyrus," Felix said from behind me. "what's wrong?"

"Kian's a jerk," I stated.

"What happened?"

I sighed and shook my head. "It's not important," I said.

He raised an eyebrow. "If it wasn't important, then you wouldn't care," he said. "What did he do?"

"Ask him yourself if you're so curious."

He put his hand on my arm and I looked at him. "Please tell me, Cyrus."

I glanced at Pan, who was standing near by. "I'll tell you later."

Felix followed my gaze and saw Pan. "What did you do when he tried to kiss you?" he asked.

"I-" I smirked. "I stabbed him."

He chuckled. "Did you really?"

"Did you not see that coming?"

He made a thoughtful look. "No, no, I did," he said. "I just didn't think it'd be because he was trying to kiss you."

I shrugged. "I'll take whatever chance I can get."

"Well, serves him right," he said. "Trying to kiss my little sister of all people." He frowned, shaking his head.

"Well can you blame him?" I said jokingly and putting my hands under my chin in a V-shape. "I mean, look at me; I'm adorable."

He sighed. "Seriously, Cyrus, stay away from him," he said sternly. "I don't want him hurting you, physically or emotionally."


"Don't try to tell me that he won't hurt you because he will. And if you allow him access to your heart, he will tear it out, figuratively, literally, or maybe even both." I rolled my eyes. "I'm only trying to protect you, ok? I've seen him do it before and I don't want him doing that to you."

I took a breath. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Do what before?"

"Make a girl think he loves her and then hurt her because he needed something."

"Any more details to this?"

Felix nodded towards a girl the others had saved from a cage on the island. "Wendy was one of them," he said. "He enticed her, made her believe she was special, and then trapped her on the island and blackmailed her brothers into helping him.

"There were more girls but they're dead now. He killed them, needing their hearts or even their tears for spells or just them to use as leverage against someone else. I don't want him to do the same to you, so stay away from him, all right?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah..."

I had developed a headache and went to lie down below deck. As I was resting, I heard footsteps on the stairs. "Hello," the person said kindly.

I glanced at the person from my hammock before closing my eyes again. "Hey," I said. "Wendy, right?"

"Yes, and you're Cyrus, aren't you?" she asked. "The Fatal Woman?"

I sat up, looking at her. "I use to be," I replied. "How do you know of me?"

"The Lost Boys that guarded me spoke about the woman that killed their families and burned their villages..."

"There were boys there that I...?" I scowled. "Why are you here? Wanted to see the person that killed those people? Wanted to see what everyone was so afraid of? Well here's the thing, I'm not that person anymore so move along."

"Oh no, that's not why I'm here at all," she said quickly. "I just... Is it true you're Felix's little sister?"

"Did you come down here just to ask about who I am?" I asked rudely.

"No, I just wanted to talk," she paused. "You look like him, but you have a much different accent."

"Because I'm a New Yorker," I rolled my eyes. "Is there a point to your visit?"

"Oh, well yes, there is. Do you know a boy named Sawyer?"

I tensed. "Maybe," I said slowly. "Why?"

"He was on Neverland for a little while. He said that I would meet you one day," she started. "And that when I do, to tell you that he loves you and that he misses you."

"When... When was this?"

"A very long time ago, a few hundred years, I suppose."

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. He escaped about a week after he told me that."

My heart sank. I knew it was too much to hope that he would be alive after so long. "Oh."

"Who was he?"

"He was..." I hesitated. "He was the child of a friend of mine. I babysat him often and had grown attached. I was heartbroken when he left and my friend, well, she was never the same."

"Oh, I see," she said. "I'm sorry."

I gave a weak smile. "It's ok. Thanks for giving me the message."

"You're welcome."

She went to leave and I bit my lip, trying to decide weither or not I should ask what I had been wondering. "Wendy," I finally said and she looked at me. "is it true you and Pan had a thing?"


"Uh, did you like each other?"

Her cheeks redened slightly. "Oh, well, yes, I did fancy him a bit. For a while, I thought the feelings were mutual but... he tricked me," she explained. "Why?"

"No reason," I replied. "I was just curious."

Before she could respond, we heard excited yelling from upstairs. "I believe we've arrived," Wendy said with joy and ran up the stairs.

Numbly, I followed. Looking over the edge of the ship, I could see the town coming into view. The Jolly Roger began to descend to the water below. Nerves pulled at my stomach as I thought about the prophecy.

I walked to Felix, who was also staring at the town. I hugged his arm. "It's not too late for us to be a family again, right?" I asked quietly.

"Of course not."


Hi, ok, so, first, thank you for 6.4K views!! Second, I changed the last chapter so that Cyrus is the one who wants to leave and Kian is the one who wants to stay in Storybrooke. It fits better with the plot that way.

Also, whose POV do you want the next chapter to be written in? I haven't done Kian or Felix very often but eh, I don't know. What do you guys think?


Have a blessed day,

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