Chapter Fifteen Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Fifteen
Cyrus' POV

-Two Weeks Earlier-

I heard three voices behind me, instead of only two, but I didn't care. All I cared about was the fact that my name was in a book of the most dangerous creatures to ever live.

"Yes, but that's not Storybrooke," Neal started. "Emma's in Neverland."

I spun around. "She's where?" I asked.

"Neverland," he said again.

"So you're going there?"

He nodded.

"You're taking me with you," I said.

"Why would you want to go there?" he asked. "It's not like the Neverland you heard about in The Land without Magic. It's dangerous and-"

"I know; I don't care. Just take me there."

"Why-" realization crossed his face. "Does this have anything to do with your brother?"

I looked at him sternly, silence being my answer.

"What's his name?" Neal asked.

I hesitated. "Felix."

-Present Day-

I limped back to the hotel. Pan was waiting for me in the lobby. "You're late," he said impatiently.

I raised my hands up in defense. "Sorry," I said sarcastically.

He scowled and pulled me by the arm out of the hotel and to the bus stop. We were silent for most of the ride until he asked, "So how was the visit with your friend?"

I fiddled with my necklace absent-mindedly.  "It was fine," I replied as I looked out the window of the bus.

"What did you do?"

"Just hung out," I hesitated. "I'm going back to see my friend again after the appointment."

I could feel him staring at me and from the corner of my eye, I could see that he was glaring. "Just who is this oh-so important friend of yours?" he asked.

I was quiet for a minute. "His name is Kian," I said. "He helped me a lot while I was here and I missed him quite terribly while I was gone."

He frowned. "Well don't worry," he started. "after the appointment, I'm going back to Neverland and you'll be able to spend all the time you want with him."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm not letting you leave without me," I said. "I'm going back to Neverland, as well."

"I'm afraid you won't be, Cyrus."

"If you won't take me back then I'll find another way; you know I can."

He took a breath. "I'm paying for your doctor bill so I suggest you don't get on my bad side now."

"Oh so I've been on your good side this whole time?" I glared at him.


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