Chapter Four Felix's POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Four
Felix's POV

Pan came marching back into camp, looking quite pleased with himself. I frowned. He said he was going hunting before he left the camp, yet he came back with nothing, so why did he look happy?

I walked over to him and said, "I thought you said you were going to be hunting?"

"I was," he responded.

"No luck, then?"

He gave a sly, half-smile. "I never said that."

I examined him further. "It doesn't look like you caught anything..."

"Oh I did, but I let it go. It wasn't suitable to bring back. The farther away that horrid creature is from this camp, the better."

I frowned and he started to walk away. "So where's Cyrus?" I asked and he stopped. "I went to make sure she would leave on time but I couldn't find her."

"Well perhaps she already left."

"No, she wouldn't do that. She'd wait until the last minute to leave so she can snoop around."

"Maybe you don't know your sister as well as you think you do. After all, you haven't seen her in, what, thirty years? People change."

"A stubborn girl never loses her stubbornness." I crossed my arms. "What did you do to her, Pan?"

"I merely sent her back to where she came from."

I stared at him. Where could he have sent her? Our village was destroyed and any survivors had left long ago.

"Did you hurt her?" I asked.

Pan turned to look at me. "Now, Felix, you should know that I would never hurt your little sister," he replied in a voice dripping with poisonous lies.

As he was walking away, Pan looked back over his shoulder at me and said, "Oh and Felix, if she does come back, just remember our little deal."

I clenched my fists. I never once had regretted leaving my home to stay in Neverland, not until now. That deal... I should've known he would one day use it against me.

When Pan attacked our village about a year after I had left, I saw one of the Lost Boys set my house on fire. I knew my family was inside but I didn't care. Then I heard Cyrus screaming and I couldn't bear it. I had to help. But as I was running towards the house, Pan appeared in front of me.

"If you help her then you become like her," he spat viciously. "Dead."

I heard her yelling again and, upon seeing my distress, Pan offered the deal: He would transport her safely out of the house, but I could never see her again. I had to stay on Neverland forever, forbidden from ever visiting my sister. And if I somehow did find a way to leave, he would kill Cyrus and take me back to be punished.

I agreed.

I had a feeling that Cyrus would somehow make it back to Neverland, and if that was so, I was worried for her life.

Pan couldn't be trusted, everyone knew that. Everyone except for Cyrus. Cyrus was smart, she knew better than to trust someone like Pan, but she's also very naïve and would believe anything if it sounded nice enough. At least, that was how she was when she was younger.

I couldn't believe my little sister had grown up so much... We almost looked about the same age now, with me still seeming to be about two years older. I missed so much of her life, which upset me, but there was nothing I could do about it now.

I had to protect her from Pan, from Neverland... from the life I chose to lead without her. That look she gave me when I didn't right away recognize her, it broke my heart. Of course I recognized her... I just didn't want to believe that it was really her. Not now. Not after all these years. It hurt too much to think about her.

My little sister.

My only family.

My little Cyrus.

From the day she was born, I promised to always be there for her. I wanted to be the big brother she deserved. But then we found out that she was... special. Our parents started to fear her. I knew she felt alone. That was the reason it took me so long to finally leave. I couldn't stand to listen to our parents calling her a freak, a monster, a danger...

Not any longer.

I wanted to take her with me but Pan said no. He didn't want a girl on his island. I didn't want to leave her alone in that house but I had no choice. I couldn't take my parents treating her like a creature to be feared any longer, knowing that I was powerless to do anything about it. They wouldn't listen to me when I tried to reason with them.

Cyrus couldn't remember how special she was. I didn't know how she could forget such a thing. When she asked about my scar... How could she have forgotten? It was a horrid accident, but I suppose I brought it upon myself.

I sighed and leaned against a tree, thinking about Cyrus, and the deal, and our parents, and Pan...

Did he really have to forbid me from seeing my sister all those years ago? Was it so necessary to get me to return to Neverland? No. I don't think it was. I would've gone back after I helped Cyrus and made sure she was all right, but no, instead he had to step in and make things so horribly complicated.

Was it at all possible that he saw something in Cyrus that could ruin his plans? Could that have been the reason he ordered the Lost Boys to burn down our house? Could that have been the reason he was so quick to try to kill her when she showed up on the island?

I shook my head. As long as Cyrus stayed away, Pan would keep his promise. After all, she couldn't really be strong enough to stop Peter Pan, could she? No. There was no way, she was just a child.

And besides, Peter Pan never fails.


Hey guys! Sorry it took me a while to update :/ struggling a bit. I've been trying to work on a Pjo story that me and my friend are writing on a shared account (I'll give you the information if you're interest to read it when the story is posted), but I'm afraid I've been getting distracted haha, whoops.

I've been reading Expiration Date by MikaelaBender and I'm just ugh I'm dead. At first I was like, awh, how sad, and then I was like awwww so cute, and then uh no, you stay away from her and then I was like, wait, I kind of like you now... And then I was like, nope, never mind, and then I was like, welllll.... And now I'm like NOOOO *cries*

I don't know what to think anymore... I just finished the first one and I'm going to start reading the sequel tomorrow (is it bad that I read the whole first one in a whole of 12 hours?)

Anyway, sorry for the long A/N I just really wanted to recommend that book because it's crazy good and you guys should read it and why does autocorrect keep changing reading to reason?? Ugh

So, as usual, vote and comment maybe?? I'll try to update soon!

Have a blessed day,

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