Chapter Eight Cyrus' POV

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Felix's Sister

Chapter Eight
Cyrus' POV

-One Week Earlier-

As Mulan, Neal, and I neared the village, I was tempted to ask if I could travel with them.

"So, Neal, who is your father?" I asked. "I mean, if you're going to his home for a way back to the Land without Magic, he must be powerful."

"Yeah, he was," he replied hesitantly.

"Who is he?"


I froze. "Your father's the Dark One?"

"Yeah, you ever met him?"

"I believe I ran into him a few times... Details are a bit fuzzy, though."

I did remember meeting the Dark One a couple of times, but I couldn't remember why or what happened. All I knew was that it wasn't a pleasant meeting. Still, maybe there was something there that could get me to

"Neal, can I ask you favor?"

He shrugged. "Sure."

"Can I go with you to your father's castle?"

-Present Day-

"Cyrus, what happened?" Mary-Margaret asked when I collapsed.

I tried to speak but I couldn't. "Seems like she's been paralyzed," Regina said.

"Can you help her?" Mary-Margaret asked.

"I think I can do something as simple as return movement to a paralyzed teenager," Regina stated, annoyed with the question.

A moment later, I felt a tingling sensation run through my body and slowly stood up. "Thanks, Regina," I said as I stretched my arms out above my head and twisting my torso, cracking my back.

"Did you find Henry?" Emma asked me.

"Yeah, he's at the camp," I replied. "No ropes, no cage, he's free just like the other boys."

"Well that makes things a little easier, doesn't it?" Hook asked.

A few of the others started agreeing but I said, "Not quite. Pan knows you're here; he's going to make sure someone's always with Henry. But, without his most trusted Lost Boy he'll have to put his other boys on 'guard duty.'"

"So?" Regina. "They're all vicious little brats, I'm sure they're all capable of watching a boy without him." She motioned towards my brother.

"True, but Felix is the bravest of the Lost Boys, he'll do most anything to keep Pan happy. The other boys can be a bit more timid and are very easily persuaded," I explained. "So if we offer a deal that sounds nice enough, they might be willing to help us."

I glanced at Felix, who sat on the ground on the other side of camp. "Is he upset with me?" I asked quietly.

"The only thing he's said since he got here is that he won't tell us anything until he talks to you," Emma replied.

I frowned and walked towards my brother. Neal was sitting next to him, trying to talk to him and making sure he didn't try to run away.

"Neal," I said and the two looked at me. "let me talk to him."

He nodded before standing up and walking away. I sat beside my brother on the ground.

"Cyrus, what do you think you're doing?" he asked seriously. "You can't win against Pan."

"Have a little faith in your sister, Felix," I sighed. "I know it's going to be a challenge, but if you help us, I know we can win. And then we can go home; we can be a family."

"But I'm not going to help you so I guess you're out of luck."

I made a face. "Why won't you help?"

"I am loyal to Pan."

"You mean you're scared of him."

Felix was quiet for a minute. "Everyone fears Pan at least a little bit," he stated. "But it's not me I'm worried about, Cyrus, it's you."


"I can't tell you."

I snorted. "Then you expect me to fear someone without reason?" Felix remained quiet. "I don't remember much about what I can do with my magic, but from what I do remember, I think I'm perfectly capable of winning against Pan."

"Even so, without the memories of your magic you won't be able to now."

I hesitated. He did have a point. "Well then I'll just have to remember."

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