Chapter 1

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All I wanted to do was sleep in. It was the first day of summer and it was also my first day off in a couple days. I literally had nothing to do now that my second year of college was finished, but of course there were some people who just couldn't sleep in. Like ever. I hoped that changed when my little brother, Logan, became a teenager. Only two more years and one could hope that the early morning hours would stay quiet until the late morning hours when I was actually ready to get out of bed, but right now that wasn't true because a very loud crash is what woke me up on this sunny summer day.

I rolled over and groaned, hoping that my parents were still asleep and there wouldn't be any yelling that was going to follow whatever Logan had done this time to make such a loud noise, but not even a minute later I could hear my mom and dad yelling at Logan. And this time it sounded really bad, which could only mean that Logan had damaged something. Again. Sighing, I laid in bed for a few more minutes as I could hear my parents continuing to yell at my eleven year old brother. Sleep was not on the agenda for this morning so I got out of bed.

I walked over to the window and opened it, but then regretted my decision as an awful smell creeped into my room. Immediately I shut my window so no more of that smell could slip into my room. I knew that Logan just hadn't damaged something, he had stunk up the house as well. I was afraid to open up my door and be caught in that smell. It was just awful and one of the worst smells that Logan has ever created.

I looked out my window down into the backyard and saw my parents talking on the lawn. Logan wasn't anywhere in sight so it was possible that he had been sent off to his room, grounded for the millionth time.

He was the only one that my parents had to ground these days since Logan was the only who caused trouble. Me and my other siblings, Zach and Jade, no longer caused trouble for our parents. We were too busy living our lives to create messes for our parents to clean up. But not Logan. He liked making things. Things that caused messes like breaking one of Mom's vases or a mess that smashed through a door leaving a hole behind. He was a curious kid which often led him getting into trouble.

Looking away from my parents who seemed to be arguing about what to do about Logan, I glanced up at the other view that I had from my room in the back of our old house. It was a large mansion with castle-like features. There wasn't a drawbridge or a dragon guarding the highest tower, but it sure looked like a castle out of a fairytale. I knew that inside of that mansion though, it was as modern as could be. The inside had changed the most while the outside had changes made to it every so often.

I had actually never been inside the mansion since it was actually a home to a family and they didn't want people walking through their home. Plus, I'm pretty sure since that family was royalty, they didn't want people walking through their home for safety reasons as well. But you could find pictures taken from inside of the mansion online to get an idea of what was actually inside and to see how the royal family lived.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts and I turned to look over at the shut door that led into my room and out of it. Still not sure if I wanted my door opened to let in the smell that Logan had created, I hesitated before finally sighing and telling whoever was on the other side of the door to come in.

The door opened slowly, like the person behind it was afraid of what they were going to find once the door was fully opened. I saw my older brother standing in the doorway, the same brown hair I had sticking up in every direction. Zach looked sleepy and not thrilled to be awake at the moment. He wasn't a morning person.

And even though he got woken up about the same time every morning when Logan did one of his experiments, Zach was still just as grumpy on the very rare days that he did get to sleep in. I knew his mood was because of Logan though, not me since I was his favorite sibling. We had always been the closest. Jade could be annoying at times and Logan caused a lot of trouble, but Zach and I would do anything for them if the time ever called for it.

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