Chapter 28

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The day that Carter's mother was no longer queen was a day of celebration. At least for those who didn't want her as their queen anymore. There were people who weren't happy that they no longer had the same queen anymore, but it seemed like those who didn't want her as the queen anymore outweighed those who did. Eventually the celebration wore off and everyone was wondering what was going to happen next.

I think the question on everyone's mind was if the king was going to step down from the throne now and hand it over to Carter. Or if he was going to wait a little longer.

Carter may be learning how to become king easier now than he had been before, but that didn't mean he was ready to take over. The king could have ended up deciding to wait a little longer before handing over the responsibility to Carter.

"Hey, how did your meeting go?" I asked Carter as he came out from a room that I hadn't seen before when Carter had given me a tour of the palace.

To be fair, he hadn't quite finished the whole tour and there was a part of the palace that we hadn't been able to go into because his mother would have had fit if she found us there.

Now that she no longer lived here, I had seen part of the third floor as a maid had led me to the room that Carter was in. And I would probably eventually end up seeing more of it as well.

"Great," he said smiling as he came over to me. Carter kissed me when he reached me and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. It was a good thing Carter had been the last one of out the room or else we would have an audience right now.

"So, what is that room?" I asked pointing to the doorway that Carter had come out of when he stopped kissing me. Carter looked back over at the doorway and then said, "It's officially the library, but it's also where the king and government officials meet to discuss issues."

"I was wondering if there was a library in this place," I replied.

"You want to see it?" he asked me.

"I work in a bookstore. Of course, I want to see it. I want to see if it's as big as I think it's going to be," I responded smiling at him. He smiled back and then lead me over to the doorway.

When we walked through the doorway and into the room, it was as big as I had expected it to be. Maybe even bigger. It almost looked like the library at the college that I sometimes went to when I needed to study or research for a paper that I had to write. The only difference that I could see right away was there was only one table in the palace library. It was dead center in the room and was very long. Much longer than a normal table.

As I looked around and saw all the bookshelves with books, I noticed that there was another floor in the library. You probably couldn't get to the second floor of the library unless you were actually in the library. I could see a large staircase on the other side, but that seemed like the only way up there.

Every wall except for the one that was directly across from us was lined with bookshelves and books. The wall across from us had a large window that was one source of light. There were chandeliers placed around various parts of the room to provide more light especially when the window couldn't provide light itself. The largest chandelier was hung over the table. I was pretty sure that it was bigger than the table. If I hadn't noticed all the books first, then the chandelier probably would have been the first thing that I would have seen.

"You're welcome to read anything in here. I'm sure you can find something you haven't read in here, right?" Carter said. I looked over at him and saw him grinning. I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed as I said, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's something in here that I haven't read. There are probably a hundred books in here that I haven't read. I don't spend all my time reading."

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