Chapter 39

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Later that same day I was waiting for my husband to come home after I had arrived back at the house I shared with him about twenty-five minutes ago. Carter was going to know about his mother paying me a visit long before I would be able to tell him myself since he most likely would have been told while I had been in a meeting with my publisher. I hadn't been able to talk him after my meeting had finished since he was in a meeting himself so instead I had to wait for Carter to come home before I could talk to him about what had happened with his mother.

Carter wasn't going to be happy that his mother approached me without him being with me. I was actually surprised that she hadn't tried sooner. The last time that she had tried was long before Carter and I had been married. She had tried to bribe me with money to break up with him.

Now she had nothing to bribe me with since I had access to Carter's money even though it was way more than I needed. I don't know how much more persistent she would have been if Ethan hadn't stepped in and got me away from her. Even though I was thankful that Ethan had gotten me away from my mother-in-law quickly, there was still a part of me that was wondering what else she had planned to say to me. I'm sure none of it would have been good, but still I wanted to know where the conversation was going to head.

There was still a part of me that hoped she would make amends even though I knew it was going to take a long time to make up for everything that she had ever done, especially when it came to Carter. He was probably going to be the hardest person Julia would have to make amends with.


When Carter finally walked through the door he looked exhausted, but also relieved to finally be home. I was sitting in the living room, writing, while I had been waiting for my husband to come home. Carter smiled at me after he had looked around and his eyes landed on me. He dropped his briefcase on the floor near the staircase that he would sometimes take with him if he had more than he could carry and then hung his jacket at the end of the banister.

Once Carter no longer had anything in his hands or arms, he came over to join me on the couch. I saved the word document I had been writing in and turned my full attention over to my husband because I knew I wasn't going to be getting back to writing any time soon.

"Are you okay?" was the first thing that my husband said to me after sitting down.

"I am now that you're home. It's good to see you babe," I responded leaning closer to him so that I could kiss Carter after not being able to since before he had left this morning for work.

"It's good to see you too," Carter said after we had kissed. I'm sure a make out session would come later when his mind wasn't focused on his mother.

"Did you see your mother today?" I asked him. Carter nodded his head as he sat back against the couch and then replied, "She came to the palace after she paid you a visit, but didn't mention at all that she had gone to see you. My mother probably knew that we wouldn't talk about anything except her visit with you if she had mentioned that."

"What did she want to talk to you about?" I asked, wondering if Carter's mother had asked him the same thing that she had asked me.

"She wanted to persuade me to give her some more royal duties that fall under the queen's job description. I assume that's what she wanted to talk to you about?" Carter asked me. I nodded my head and then said, "I think she was hoping that I would hand over the crown since it's not exactly a secret that I wasn't interested in being a queen."

I proceeded to tell Carter exactly how the conversation between his mother and I had gone after that. It was a short conversation so it didn't take me that long to tell my husband about it. He still didn't look happy once I was finished, but I didn't really expect him to be. His mother may have made herself scarce after since had lost the crown, but now it seemed like she wanted to insert herself back into our lives and create a little chaos. I just wasn't sure exactly what she was up to. It felt like she had more intentions than just trying to get back the crown.

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