Chapter 17

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"Am I controlling?" the queen snapped as she quickly turned to face her husband. He almost looked a little scared with the way that his wife was talking to him, but any trace of that emotion was gone as quickly as it had appeared onto his face. I watched the king as he started saying things a couple of times only to stop before any clear words came out of his mouth. It seemed like he was having a hard time finding the right answer. I didn't blame him though. His wife was looking pretty scary at the moment and you needed to make sure that you said the right thing because if you said the wrong thing, then she was just going to explode on you.

And then things could get really bad after that. I wasn't going to help him out though. Mostly because I was more curious to see what their relationship was like so I just wanted to watch them converse with each other, but also because I didn't want her to snap at me. Maybe I could learn more about them just by listening and a little bit about Carter's life here with his parents.

"I don't think you're controlling," Carter's father finally said. I couldn't believe that it took him that long to come up with that. How was this guy the king of a country? Maybe facing his wife when her emotions were all over the place was something that he wasn't brave enough to do.

I guess he could be completely different when it came to running the country, but he wasn't making that impression on me right now. He looked like a scared little child at times whenever he let his emotions come out of hiding.

"That's what I thought," she said looking triumphant like her husband's response was the only correct answer. I wasn't surprised that she didn't believe me.

My mother didn't like to be told that she was doing something wrong when it came to her children. She had always felt like it was no one else's business on how she was raising her kids except for her and her husband. It wasn't anybody else's job to raise her children so when someone put in their input on how they think that Mom should be raising her own kids, Mom didn't respond all that well to that person. So, I figured it was the same for the queen. She probably didn't like being told that she had made a mistake in parenting her oldest son.

And normally I wouldn't tell a parent that they were doing something wrong, but I felt like this was a problem that needed to be addressed for things to get better. Not just for Carter, but for his parents too. They could all have a better relationship with each other if they were all honest with each other and talked about their feelings.

"You lied to me," the queen said pointing her finger at me after quickly turning her body back to face me. I may have flinched, but I didn't say what she wanted to hear.

"No, I didn't, but I don't expect you to believe me so I'm not going to waste my breath trying to convince you. You'll just have to ask Carter whenever you see him again."

"I'm sure that's going to be soon. And I know my son is going to tell me that you're wrong. He's a good boy despite whatever influence you've put on him since you've met each other," she replied still pointing her finger at me. She was making a jabbing motion with it this time though.

"We'll just have to wait and see what he says when he gets here," I said shrugging my shoulders.

To be honest, I was a little bit worried that Carter wasn't going to be honest with his parents and tell them how he really felt about them treating him. I knew that he wanted to wait until after he was king to tell them everything, but it wouldn't really hurt if he were to tell them how he felt when it came to how they treated him. All Carter had to say was he felt like they were controlling him too much and he just needed a little breathing room to be able to make his own decisions. He didn't have to make any decisions right now or tell them that he wanted to make some changes once he became king.

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