Chapter 9

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After Prince Carter and I had finished dinner, I cleaned up our plates and put away the leftover Mac and Cheese before we headed into the family room. I showed Prince Carter where the movies were and told him to pick one to watch and then started leaving the room, telling him that I would be back in a few minutes. Prince Carter nodded his head and I headed upstairs once I had reached the staircase which was in the middle of the family room. When I got up the stairs I headed off to my room so I could change into something a little more comfortable.

There was no uniform I was required to wear to work, but Elise did want me to dress up a bit and wear something nice instead of just showing up in a t-shirt and jeans. I usually ended up wearing black pants and a nice shirt, not always the same one though. If I had my own car to drive to work then I'd wear a dress or a skirt, but since I had to ride a bike to work, I preferred to wear pants instead because I felt more comfortable when I was riding a bike in pants.

When I walked into my bedroom, I shut the door behind me and then headed over to my closet, searching through it once I had reached it. I found a t-shirt to change into, deciding that these pants were comfortable enough to stay in and headed over to my bed. After dropping the shirt that I had picked out from my closet onto my bed, I pulled off the shirt that I had worn to work and set that down on my bed.

Since I had only worn that shirt to work, I would just hang it up in my closet and wear it another day before I would actually end up throwing it in the hamper to be washed. I grabbed the shirt that I had picked from my closet and slipped it over my head before pulling it down, adjusting it until it was straightened out. Then I headed back over to my closet so that I could put away the shirt that I had worn to work. I left my room when I was done and went to the bathroom that I shared with my sister, coming out it a few minutes later.

As I walked down the staircase, I looked to my left and saw that Prince Carter was sitting on the couch that was up against the wall of the staircase. There was a movie in his hand that he was looking over. I didn't see any other movies nearby him so he must have decided what movie to watch. From where I was, I couldn't see what movie he had picked out, but it wouldn't be that much longer until I would find out what he had picked out for us to watch.

Once I had finished walking down the stairs, I turned to my left and walked the very short distance to the couch, where Prince Carter looked up at me. He held out the movie and I took it from him before I checked to see what Prince Carter had picked out. It was The Mummy, the newer version not the older one. Both Zach and I loved watching that movie along with its sequel. I went over to the television and turned it on as well as the DVD player.

After turning on the DVD player, I opened the tray so I could put the disc in and then closed it once the movie was sitting in the tray. I grabbed the controller as I stood up before heading to sit down on the couch with Prince Carter. As I waited for the movie to start up and get to the menu, I looked over at the prince, who was watching the screen for the television at the moment. There were going to be trailers for other movies, but I was going to skip that like I always did since I had seen all those trailers many times before. I didn't need to see them again when I just wanted to get to the menu to start up the movie.

"Have you ever seen The Mummy?" I asked him. Prince Carter looked over at me and then shook his head before saying, "No, my parents don't let us watch too many movies. They let my brother and sister watch movies more than they let me since they're younger and don't have the responsibilities that I have so if I do watch a movie, it's something that is appropriate for them."

"That sucks, but I'm not surprised. I kind of figured that you hadn't seen a lot of movies because your parents sound very strict. This one is really good though. It's one of my favorites. Zach and I watch it whenever we decide to watch a movie together. Along with the sequel as well. We'll have to watch that another day if you don't want to watch it today," I replied smiling at him. He smiled back and then said, "Zach isn't going to be mad we're watching this without him, is he?"

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