Chapter 34

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My parents asked if they could talk to each other alone so I showed them to Carter's office and then headed back to the living room. I picked up my phone that was sitting on the light wooden coffee table and sat back down on the light tan couch, checking to see if Carter had called or sent a message to me while I had been talking to my parents. Carter had told me that he had a couple of meetings today before he had left this morning and one of those meetings happened to be towards the end of the day, which wasn't a surprise.

Most of his time that was spent at the palace was in a meeting about dealing with problems that needed to be solved in the country. After unlocking my phone, which I was still getting used to using, I saw that my husband had sent me a text message. I opened up the messaging app to see his whole message since only a little bit appeared on my lock screen.

Hey babe, I'm on my way home now. I'll see you soon. Hope everything is going alright with your parents. - Carter

Carter was probably almost here since his message had been sent over twenty minutes ago. I decided not to reply back even though I could because he wasn't driving. Probably by the time I finished typing my text message, Carter would be home. I wasn't kidding when I said that I was still trying to get the hang of my phone. I hadn't had my own personal cell phone until after Carter and I had been dating for a couple of years. And after my first book did well, I was able to afford to pay for a phone and among other things as well.

The success of my books that I released after that only helped out more when it came to affording things I couldn't before. I put my phone back on the coffee table and leaned back against the couch as I waited for my parents to come out or my husband to come home, whichever happened first.

It was Carter who came into the living room first. The front door was in my view so I was able to watch my husband walk into the house, shut the door behind him, and then head on over to me after looking over to find me waiting for him. I stood up and greeted him when Carter reached me. He held onto me for a few minutes before pulling away and giving me a kiss on my lips.

Once he had completely pulled away from me, Carter shrugged off his jacket and went back into the hallway so that he could hang up his jacket in the closet that was at the back of the house, near the kitchen. I sat back down on the couch as I waited for him to come back.

"Where are your parents?" Carter asked me as he came back into the living room, coming through the kitchen first before walking into the living room. He sat down next to me on the couch as I said, "In your office, talking. They wanted to talk to each other alone about our offer."

"How did they react?" Carter asked as he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I took that opportunity to rest my head on his chest before replying.

"I don't think they expected the offer, but they didn't seem to be offended or anything like that when I mentioned it. They however figured out that we wanted to help pay to fix up their house than just have someone come look at it," I said as I felt Carter's thumb rub along my shoulder.

"I'm not surprised that they figured out we wanted to do more than just have someone look at their house. We both realized that could be a possibility. So how long have they been in my office?" he asked me.

"Maybe ten minutes?" I said unsure of exactly how long it had been since I had left my parents in my husband's office. And I wasn't sure how much longer they were going to be in there. I didn't want to rush them, which is what I told Carter. It was better if we waited until they came out.

Hopefully my parents were going to come out and agree to let Carter and I help them out with fixing up their house. I was hoping that the many years that had passed by since there hadn't been any repairs on the house would help persuade them to let us help them. Because if the house kept going on without repairs, it was just going to cost more or it was going to end up costing them the whole house.

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