Chapter 45

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When Carter and I arrived home, we got out of the car and headed up the walkway to the front door. Carter had already pulled out his keys by the time we reached the door, so I didn't even bother to search for my set. I could hear the employees, who had come to help us bring our things in behind us, taking the rest of our bags from the trunk of the car. Both Carter and I had small bags hanging from our shoulders, which had been sitting down at our feet while we had been in the car.

With the door unlocked a few seconds later, Carter and I headed inside. I went upstairs to drop my bag on our bed while Carter went into his office to leave his bag there for now. A minute or two later I heard Carter telling the employees that they could just leave the rest of our bags in the foyer.

We both knew that they probably wanted to get home to their families or whoever was waiting for them at home, so Carter wasn't going to make them bring our bags upstairs. They had already done enough for us anyways. The little that we could do was carry our suitcases up our own stairs. There was also the fact that Carter and I were ready to be alone too. We had spent enough time with so many people around us. Carter and I were happy to be home and have some time where we didn't have any employees around, even if they never bothered us unless it was absolutely necessary while we had been away.

I headed back downstairs after setting my smaller bag on our bed just in time to see Carter saying goodbye to the employees. I said goodbye to them before they headed down the walkway and over to the car that they had driven us here in. They would have to head back to the palace to drop off that car and pick up their own cars before heading home. Carter shut the front door and then locked it. He turned around just as I finished coming downstairs.

"Which bag has the dirty laundry?" I asked him.

"I think it's this one," he said patting a burgundy colored suitcase. I went over to it and laid it down on the floor, so I could look inside. After confirming that our dirty clothes were in that suitcase, I picked it back up and then rolled it towards the laundry room.

"We can take the other suitcases upstairs. Did you want to start unpacking now?" I asked Carter as I continued towards the laundry room which was at the end of the hallway behind the downstairs bathroom that sat between the laundry room and Carter's office.

"Yeah we might as well get it over with now. Then we can relax and not have to worry about it later," I heard Carter reply back as he lugged a suitcase up the stairs. I grabbed another suitcase and followed my husband up the stairs, lugging a slightly heavy suitcase with me. I think the suitcase that Carter had grabbed was the one that was the heaviest suitcase out of the bunch that we had taken with us. There were still two more suitcases that needed to be brought up to our bedroom, but once they were all there, we started to unpack.

It took us about an hour and a half before we had everything unpacked. When we were done, we took the suitcases back downstairs which was much easier with them being lighter now. I helped Carter put the suitcases away in the downstairs closet that was located underneath the staircase. We decided after that to relax a little bit before it was time to make dinner.

Before I sat down though, I checked to see what our chef had left us for dinner. I wanted to see how long the meal was going to take to cook so there was enough time to make it. Neither Carter or I would want to end up eating too late because we hadn't started it early enough.

"We'll have to start dinner soon so it's ready sometime after six," I said as I walked from the kitchen to the living room. Carter had already sat down on the large couch. The TV was just starting up after Carter had turned it on.

"Alright, is there much prepping to do?" Carter asked while looking at me. I shook my head and then said, "That's already been done. He must have come over earlier today and prepped for dinner tonight. It just needs to be put in a dish and then into the oven. It's a really easy meal. The side dish and vegetables are already in the main course."

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