Chapter 4

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This was it. My best friend had finally gone crazy. I knew that her plan to get the prince to fall in love with her and then marry her so they both could live happily ever after like a Disney princess was something that she had never stop dreaming about, but now something was happening that I never thought would happen. Emma was giving up her plan of getting the prince to fall in love with her so they could get married. Instead, she was changing her plan to get the prince to fall in love with me so we could get married and then live happily ever after, which was something that I didn't want.

I didn't want to live the lifestyle that Prince Carter had. That had always been Emma's dream and what she wanted. I just wanted to live the same life I lived now and not have it drastically change, but of course I wanted to be a successful author and married to a guy who was as normal as my dad. Well maybe a little more normal than my dad because sometimes he wasn't all that normal. That's a story for another time though.

I snapped out of the daze that I had fallen into so I could protest against what Emma had said, but when I looked around for her, I saw that she had gotten a head start towards her car. Chicken.

"Emma!" I said starting to walk to catch up with her. She seemed to walk faster when she heard me calling her name, but I also walked faster to reach her.

"You can't just say something like that and then walk away! We need to talk about this because it is not happening!" I yelled at her breaking into a jog so that I could catch up with her.

"It is too happening!" she called over her shoulder, not bothering to fully turn her head to look at me. Emma was trying to watch where she was going so that she wouldn't trip over something and I would end up catching up to her.

"No, it's not! It's not something I want," I replied as I reached her, grabbing onto her shoulder to stop her from going any farther. Emma turned to face me while putting her hands on her hips before saying, "It is to something that you want. You just don't know it yet."

"Are you serious? We just literally met the guy and you think that I want to marry him?" I asked her while rolling my eyes.

"Well, I'm not asking you to marry him right now. That'll take some time, but you'll eventually see why I'm changing my plan so that you end up married to him and instead of me," Emma said smiling at me sweetly. I knew that she was trying to butter me up so I wouldn't get too mad at her. Narrowing my eyes at her, I responded by saying, "You know that I don't want to marry any kind of guy like him. I'm pretty fine finding someone who's got a normal life."

Emma sighed and rolled her eyes. She didn't like the idea of me finding someone who had a normal life. She thought that a guy like that wouldn't be able to handle a girl like me, but when I asked her what she had meant by that, Emma wouldn't tell me. Emma just said that when she knew that she had found the right guy for me, then I would eventually know what she had meant. I didn't see how Prince Carter was the right guy for me.

Even though I didn't know the guy well enough, I still wanted no part of the kind of life he had grown up in. Maybe we would be friends if I could get along with him, but other than that I wasn't going to marry the guy like Emma seemed to think I was going to. So far I didn't think Prince Carter and I were fit for each other and I didn't think that was going to change.

Plus, weren't you supposed to feel some kind of attraction for the one? I mean Prince Carter is good looking and all, but I didn't really feel anything but annoyance towards the guy.

"You'll get too bored with a guy who's got a normal life. Just think about how well things worked out with Chris," Emma said giving me a knowing look. She knew that I didn't like to be reminded about Chris Peterson. Also known as the douchebag who broke my heart when he cheated on me with one of my friends, who is no longer my friend. She wasn't the only girl that he cheated on me with though. There were others. And then he had the nerve to break up with me in front of the whole school even though I was going to do it after school the same day.

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