Chapter 18

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More than six months had passed by since I had last seen Carter. Despite being away from him for so long, I only missed him more as each day passed by. Just a few days after Carter had gone home, I celebrated my twentieth birthday and now spring was here again. I was almost done with my third year of college just passing the days by with school and work, waiting for the day that I was going to see Carter again. No longer was I believing that I was never going to see him again. I had given in and was now hoping that one of these days he was going to show up and everything was going to work out between us.

It didn't matter that if being with him would eventually mean I would end up queen one day. I just wanted to be with Carter again. When he showed up again, I thought that it'd be at my house where we had privacy. I didn't expect him to show up at my school while I was in the middle of class with a couple bodyguards by his side, which is probably why I didn't notice him until my teacher had turned around, letting out a familiar squeal. All eyes turned immediately to me.

So, I turned around to see what was going on, even though I should have figured out that Carter was in the room with the way my teacher had reacted and everyone staring at me. Despite the king and queen's best effort to downplay what happened the day they kidnapped me, everyone found out. Seems like the media couldn't be bribed enough. Or the king and queen had missed someone that had been there at the restaurant that day.

Either way, the story got out and so did my name. Every knew that I had helped the prince out and despite me denying that anything had happened with Carter, people had still spun the story that way. And the story still hadn't died down six months after that day. There were magazines with made up stories about what Carter and I did on a daily basis or how we acted as a couple. Of course, there were the magazines that didn't approve of the unconfirmed relationship between Carter and I. They were currently thrilled that Carter and I were apart.

And then there were the magazines that loved our unconfirmed relationship and were waiting for the day that Carter and I could be together again. Those magazines made me happy, but I still had to tell them that nothing happened between Carter and I because I didn't want to get Carter into more trouble than he already was.

Carter showing up at my school in the middle of one of my classes was definitely not going to help him stay out of more trouble and it was only going to fuel the rumors that Carter and I once had a relationship with each other that was more than just being friends. I also could imagine that his parents were going to be very angry that he had left home to come and find me.

"What can I do for you Prince Carter?" my teacher asked him. Her voice was wobbling at times and I could tell that she was trying to convince herself that the prince was indeed standing in her classroom at this very moment, not that she was imagining this happening. Some people thought that they'd never met the prince. I had been one of those people and I'm sure I wasn't the only one in this room who had thought that.

"I was wondering if I could steal Ms. Branson for the rest of the day?" Carter asked her while giving her a dazzling smile that I didn't see him use that much to get something that he wanted. He usually just used it to greet people that he was meeting.

"Well, that's up to Ms. Branson if she wants to skip the rest of her classes," my teacher said as I could imagine her looking over at me, but I didn't turn around because Carter looked over at me, raising his eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes at him and then turned around to gather my things before looking up at my teacher and then saying, "Sorry for the interruption. Seems like Prince Carter forgot some of his manners while he was staying with me and my family."

"It's no problem," she said. I'm pretty sure that it would have been a problem if my teacher had been a male, but then again I'm sure that Carter picked this class because this was the only class that I had with a female teacher and he knew the power that he had over some women.

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