Chapter 29

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When it came for the day for Carter's family to meet mine, my parents were nervous as hell and constantly telling Logan that he had better be on his best behavior. I think it was the most they had ever been on Logan's case not to do anything he shouldn't. It had been this way ever since I had told my parents that the king wanted to meet them and my siblings. And I was pretty sure Logan was going to listen to them because he wanted to go on that field trip his class was taking and that birthday party he had been invited too.

Those were both on the table as things he wouldn't get to do if he wasn't on his best behavior. Logan had been on his best behavior ever since our parents had decided on what he punishment was going to be if he didn't behave while we were at the palace. He didn't seem to want to do anything that would cause him not to be able to go to either of those places.

"You must really want to go to that party and field trip if your room is this clean," I said stopping in his doorway. Usually, I didn't dare enter Logan's room or even stop by it, but today was a different story. His room was clean, despite the fact that we were going to the palace to have dinner with Carter's family, not the other way around.

"Mom and Dad used to pick just grounding me for the messes I've made. I guess they've decided that wasn't working anymore," Logan said as he was stacking some games he shared with his friends. He was already dressed for dinner and so was I. It was Mom and Dad we were waiting on. And the car that was going to pick us up.

"Grounding worked for me and Jade, but you and Zach not so much. So, I think they figured out that if they forbid Zach from going to places if he got himself into trouble, it might work for you as well. I hope you know that they're only being much harder on you this time because we're going to a house that is filled with expensive things. Expensive things that we could probably never finish paying to replace," I replied.

"Zach already talked to me about that," Logan said.

"Alright, well when you're done, come downstairs and wait with us," I said. Logan nodded his head and then I turned around to head back to the living room where my other siblings were.

Logan and I weren't that close to each other. It was probably the age difference and the fact that he'd rather listen to Zach than me. I still tried to make an effort with Logan when I could and give him advice when I thought that he'd actually listen to it, but I knew that if Zach had already given him advice or talked to him about something, then it was pointless for me to do or say anything because anything I said wasn't going to be heard.

It didn't really bother me too much that Logan and I weren't that close. I figured that maybe sometime in the future when Logan was older, things might be different between us. It was hard to talk to an eleven year old boy that you didn't have anything in common. Zach was able to find things that he had in common with Logan, but that's probably because they both like sports and video games.

"Are Mom and Dad almost done?" Zach asked me when I sat down on the couch with him and Jade. She was flipping through the channels on the television. Zach seemed to be watching for me to come back downstairs to let him know if our parents were ready or not. I had gone to check on them since it was getting close to the time when Carter had said that the car would be here to pick us up and take us to the palace.

"They said they were almost done, but the door was closed and I didn't want to go in there. I'm sure they'll be down here soon. Mom isn't going to want to be late," I replied.

"True. How about Logan? Is he almost ready?" Zach asked. I nodded my head and then said, "I told him to come down with he's done. I think he's just trying to keep his room clean even though it's cleaner than I've seen it in months."

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