Chapter 13

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We passed by an older man without any trouble. He didn't even look over in our direction as we passed by him so we didn't really have to worry about hiding Carter that much when it came to that man. Someone else could be a different story though. Hopefully though no one would pay too much attention and see that the prince was walking next to us. The next group of people, three of them to be exact, glanced over at us to say hello and then went back to their conversation. It was a group of women, who looked like they might be three generations of women from the same family.

I only got a couple quick glances at them before they were out of sight, but that's what it had looked like to me. A grandmother, a mother, and a daughter, all enjoying a walk together on the beach while talking about various things. It was a while after that before we passed by two more people and then it seemed like we were the only ones walking down this way since there was no one in sight after the last two people. If there were any more people down this way, they were most likely farther down the beach.

"So, I know where Morgan and Zach work, but what about you two?" Carter asked Sammy and Emma. Neither of them answered right away and I figured that was because they weren't sure if the other was going to speak first, but eventually Sammy spoke up by saying, "I work at the mall in a clothing store while I'm going to college."

"I work at the same mall, but in one of the department stores in the makeup section," Emma said.

"Are those jobs something you want to keep for the rest of your lives? I know that Zach wants to continue to work on cars and Morgan wants to write. Although I'm not sure if you intend to stay at the bookstore once you get something published," Carter said looking over at me as he spoke the last sentence. I shrugged my shoulders and then said, "I might stay on. I'm not sure."

Carter nodded his head and then looked over at Emma and Sammy to see what they were going to say. I don't think Sammy wanted to stay working at the clothing store forever, but I had no idea what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. She might not even know what she wants to do for the rest of her life. As for Emma, she definitely didn't want to work in the mall forever, but she did want to do people's makeup for the rest of her life. I knew that her big dream was to do makeup for the royal family, but she'd settle for a rich woman who would probably pay just as well.

Emma had always been more into makeup than I had. I liked just the simple makeup on my own face, but for special events, I would let Emma do something more. She had often practiced on me before she had gotten a job at the mall. Now she was mostly practicing on anyone who came into the mall and wanted their makeup done for free.

"I don't want to stay in the mall for the rest of my life, but I do want to be a professional makeup artist one day. I may pick something else on the side though if being a makeup artist doesn't pay as well as I hope it well," Emma said shrugging her shoulders and then looking over at Sammy.

"I don't want to stay in the mall forever either, but I'm not quite sure what I want to do yet. I've got a few things in mind, but I could end up changing my mind about those things so until I'm completely certain I don't want to commit to saying what I want to do," Sammy answered.

"You guys are lucky that you get to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life," Carter said sighing as he looked out into the ocean.

"You could never go back, you know?" Emma said. I was surprised she was suggesting that. She had always wanted him to be king, whether or not he was going to be a good or bad one. Emma just like the thought of the crown being handed down within the same family.

That's what Carter's parents wanted to, but if Carter wanted something different then he should be allowed to be whatever he wanted to be. Carter was afraid of disappointing his parents though, which is why he wasn't going after something different. Maybe he didn't want to go back until he had the courage to tell his parents that he didn't want to be king. I'm not quite sure if he didn't want to be king at all or if he wanted to try out other things before actually becoming the next king.

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