Chapter 7

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A week later and things still hadn't died down. Everyone was still wondering what happened to Prince Carter and where he was now. People had their theories though. The most popular one being that someone was hiding him, whether it be against his will or not against Prince Carter's will. The king and queen had made many pleas to the whole country to help bring him home. They had also made pleas directly to Prince Carter to come home just in case he wasn't being held against his will.

All of their statements had been broadcasted across the news many times hoping that it would help bring Prince Carter come home, but so far it wasn't working. Prince Carter still very much wanted to stay away from his parents and the life he had known. He was enjoying not being royalty and getting to know what the common people do.

So far Prince Carter hadn't messed up anything at work, but it wasn't that hard to check to see what was in stock at the bookstore. He seemed to be getting the hang of it the more he worked.

But since only a week had passed by, it was hard to tell if Prince Carter was going to stick it out as a commoner for a long period of time. He may be enjoying my kind of lifestyle at the moment, but that could eventually wear off as the weeks and months pass by. I'm sure he would eventually miss his old life and his family. I could tell that he was definitely missing his family now, but it wasn't enough to make him want to go back just yet. He was probably still too upset with his parents for not letting him live a little more to go back home.

But we had finally convinced him to call his parents since he had not like the idea the first time we had brought it up and needed to warm up to the idea. When he finally agreed to let them know he was alright, we found a day when neither of us was working so I could take him to another town to call his family and talk to them. I was the only one helping him out with this task since everyone else had other plans to do something and couldn't come along, much to some people's disappointment like Emma and Jade.

"So how much longer are we going to drive before I have to call my parents?" Prince Carter asked me from the passenger seat. He had no idea how to drive so it was up to me to be the one behind the wheel, which was probably the better idea since I knew my way around the countryside and he didn't. He didn't even know his way around the city.

"About twenty to twenty-five minutes. Why? Are you getting nervous about talking to your parents since you ran away?" I asked glancing over at him for a brief second before looking back at the road. It was a narrow two-lane road that was a good three hours away from my house.

We didn't have too much longer until we would reach the restaurant that Prince Carter was going to call his parents from. If the king and queen could trace calls, which I'm sure they could since they were rich, then they would think that their son was hiding somewhere in this town that Prince Carter and I were on the outskirts of.

"Yeah a little bit. I know they're going to be mad at me," Prince Carter replied.

"I'm sure they're more worried than mad. They're your parents. They love you," I said.

"Do you think they'll stop looking for me after they know I'm okay?" he asked looking over at me since he had been looking out the window of the family car.

"I don't know. Depends on how believable you are," I responded.

There was a chance that the king and queen could think that their son was being held hostage and the people that were holding him against his will were making him call his parents to tell them that he was alright. If Prince Carter didn't want his parents to find him any time soon then he needed to make his parents believed that he was really okay and no harm had come to him while he had been gone from the palace. They needed to believe that Prince Carter wanted to be out here on his own and that he wasn't going to come back until he was ready to come back, not that there was someone who was preventing the prince from coming home.

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