Chapter 11

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Another month passed by and everyone seemed to breathe since it seemed like the king and queen weren't going to show up at the house. I'm sure that Carter was the most thrilled about that since it meant that he could stay here and that he didn't have to go home just yet. It also meant that we had more time together and that things were slowly heating up between us. So far no one had noticed that the prince and I seemed to be spending a lot more time together, but I'm sure eventually someone would notice.

For someone who always told her brother everything, I was doing a very good job at keeping my first secret from Zach. I wanted to tell him, believe me, but if this relationship wasn't going to end up being that serious, then I didn't feel the need to mention anything about it right now. For now, I just wanted to see what was going to happen between me and Carter even though it was very likely that it wouldn't end in happily ever after. I knew that there was a good chance that we'd only ever end up dating.

"What are we doing?" Carter asked me as I pulled him through the surrounding trees as we walked along the trail behind my house and the neighboring houses.

"Going someplace where we can be alone. Are you ready for my family and Emma to know what's going on between us?" I asked him as Carter struggled to keep up with me. This may be a pathway that people walked on all the time, but there were still rocks, sticks, and various other objects to watch out for while walking out here.

"No, I'm not. I'm pretty sure your brother will kick my ass," Carter replied.

"He might do that, but probably only if you break my heart," I said as I slowed down so Carter would be able to keep up with me.

We started walking side by side, but I still held onto his hand just because I wanted to hold onto it. And also if I needed to pull him in a different direction than he was going, I could just tug on his hand without worrying about reaching for it. I was taking Carter somewhere where I knew that Emma nor any of my family wouldn't find us. There were places that I had found on my own whenever I walked out here. Some of those places I had shown to my family or to Emma.

And then other places I had decided to keep to myself so that if I needed someplace other than the cottage to go to, I would have some place to just be by myself and think things over especially if I needed to cool down from a fight with one of my friends or family. There was one place in particular that I was willing to show Carter, but any of the other places might just have to wait until I knew him a little better. I'm sure there would come a time when I would need some space from Carter and just need to think things over.

"I take it we're going someplace that no one will find us?" Carter asked me. I looked over at him to find that he was already watching me so I nodded my head and then said, "One of the places. I have a few other places that no one knows about. Maybe I'll show you the rest another time."

"I'd like that," he said leaning in to give me a quick kiss. It seemed in the past month since we had first kiss, Carter and I were always finding a reason to kiss each other. Making out had a been a little harder to do when we were always worried that someone was going to walk in on us especially when we knew weren't alone. But there were some times we couldn't resist.

"I know you would, but I gotta get to know you more before I tell you every little secret. I'm sure it's the same way for you," I replied smiling at him.

"It is," he said smiling back at me while nodding his head.

"And since we'll be alone where no one can find us, we'll be able to talk without anyone interrupting us or overhearing us and be able to get to know each other better," I said.

I had made sure this time to leave a note for anyone to find before Carter and I had left so that everyone knew that we were okay. They knew that we were going for a walk and that I might show Carter some places around the neighborhood. Hopefully that would mean that we could spend a good amount of time away from the house without anyone coming to look for us when we weren't ready to be found yet.

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