Chapter 24

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Half an hour later after we had walked through the rest of the first floor, Carter and I went back upstairs to the playroom for his little brother and sister. Diane had come and found us to let Carter know that they were back and would be in their playroom for another hour before they would have to go to bed. Since I really wanted to meet his siblings, we headed up to the second floor as quickly as we could before his parents could stop us.

When we walked in the playroom that was meant for actual kids, I saw that Carter's younger siblings were playing on the floor on a large mat. Brian had some action figures in his hands and Amanda had some dolls in her hands. They seemed to be playing with another, but looked up when a different servant announced that Carter had come into the room.

I watched as both of Carter's siblings dropped their toys onto the ground and ran over to Carter. They both were excited to see their older brother and practically threw themselves at him when they reached Carter. He hugged them back at the same time after kneeling down so that he was at their level.

I was now able to get a closer look at them as Carter talked to them for a little bit after he had pulled away from them. Carter had given them a tight hug for a few minutes before he let go of them to talk to his siblings. His arms were still each wrapped around one of his siblings though as they both held onto the arm that was wrapped around them.

"There's someone that I want you guys to meet. I've told you about her before," Carter said. I figured that this was a good time for me to kneel down on the floor next to Carter as Amanda's eyes darted over to me before quickly looking back at her older brother. Carter let go of Brian and then held out his arm towards me. He dropped it a few seconds after he started speaking.

"This is my girlfriend, Morgan," Carter said giving me a smile before looking back at his siblings. I looked at them too and found them both looking at me with curious eyes so I smiled at the both of them and then said, "Hello. Did you two have fun at the park today?"

They both nodded their heads but didn't say anything. I figured they might be a little shy since I was someone new. They probably didn't get to meet that many people that often. I looked over at Carter since I wasn't sure if I should say anything else.

He seemed to get the message that I wasn't sure what to do next and looked back at his siblings before saying, "Do you mind if Morgan and I hang out with you two until you have to go to bed? She'd like to get to know you both a little bit more, if that's okay."

"I guess that's okay," Brian said shrugging his shoulders while looking back at his older brother as he spoke. Carter then looked over at his little sister and waited for her answer. She didn't say anything right away so Carter prompted her by saying, "Amanda, are you okay with hanging out with Morgan for a little while?"

She nodded her head, giving me a little glance before looking over at her brother. Carter stood up and then picked her up before taking Brian's hand. He walked over with his siblings to where they had been sitting when we had come into the room. I followed slowly after them, mostly watching Carter interact with his siblings. Since they both seemed a little shy, Amanda more than Brian, I didn't want to jump right in and start doing anything that they weren't comfortable with doing. I was sort of hoping that if I let Carter do most of the talking and interacting with them, that they would eventually ask me to join.

"What were you guys playing?" Carter asked as he set Amanda back down on the ground and then went over to grab a chair. He brought it over to me and set it down, gesturing for me to sit down in it as he said, "I figured you weren't going to want to sit down in the dress you are wearing. It's too tight and I'm sure you'd be uncomfortable."

"Thank you," I replied smiling at him before sitting down in the chair. Carter waited until I was sitting down before he sat down on the floor with his siblings and then looked over at them.

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