Chapter 31

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About a week later after Emma had picked out a dress at the bridal store, I was waiting outside another store that Emma had chosen to look for bridesmaid dresses at. She hadn't found anything that she liked so today had been a total bust. I had come to the store with Mom and Jade but had promised Carter that he could pick me up. We were probably going to get something to eat, but that wasn't going to be for another couple hours. Lunch had already passed by and it wasn't quite time for dinner yet.

So, I wasn't sure what Carter and I were doing until it was time for dinner. Emma had an idea though. She thought that every time that Carter and I hung out together, I was going to come back with a ring on my finger. I knew one of these times he was going to propose, I just didn't know when that was or where that was going to be. Carter wasn't going to exactly share when and where he was going to propose.

A silver car pulled up to the curb in front of me and I saw that it was Carter's car when I got the chance to look over the car entirely after it had stopped. The car had been sitting in the garage of the palace for a long time, but it still looked brand new. There were plenty of cars in that garage besides the standard black SUVs that Carter and his family had been driven around in for many years when his parents had decided that they were no longer going to be going out into the world as often as they had been doing before.

Now that Carter's mother no longer had control over things in the palace, Carter could drive like he had been wanting to. He had been given the silver car that was parked in front of me a couple months after getting his license.

"Hey babe, did Emma find a dress for you and the rest of the bridesmaids?" Carter asked me as I got into the car after opening the door. I shut the door once I was fully in the car and then said as I looked over at my boyfriend, "No. There were a few dresses that she picked out and after we all tried them on, she didn't like them anymore. I'm not sure when we're going to look for more bridesmaids dresses again. Emma needs to find another store to look at first."

"I hope she doesn't have too much more to do for the wedding. It's next month," Carter said as he pulled away from the curb and drove off once I had buckled in my seatbelt.

"She's got most of it planned, but there are still a few more things that she needs to decide on soon because like you said, the wedding is next month," I replied. "I'm sure though once she picks out the bridesmaid dresses then everything else will be finished soon after that. She probably already knows what she wants to pick for everything else that she needs to finish planning, but just hasn't made a final decision because she's been so focused on the bridesmaid dresses. Hopefully it doesn't take her that much longer to choose those though."

"I'm glad she hasn't worked you too hard since you are her maid of honor. I kind of almost thought she'd be ordering people around a lot more. She's been pretty tame," Carter said as we headed towards the outskirts of the city.

Apparently we weren't staying in the city to hang out with one another today. I could only assume that we were going to that beach that I had shown Carter a long time ago. It was a place that we often visited because it was one of the few places that we could be alone with no one to bother us or where Carter couldn't be whisked away to do his royal duties. He probably had a long hard week and just wanted to get out of the city for a little bit and sit on the beach with me as we talked and watched the waves roll in.

It was something I wish we could do every end of the week because it was a great way to relieve stress. But there were times were Carter had to work late and we weren't able to get away on Friday after we were both done with work.

"She has been pretty tame, but that's probably because Emma has been planning her wedding since she was a little girl and already had most of what she wanted figured out when it actually came to her planning her wedding. Otherwise, I'm sure she would have been a lot bossier," I replied looking over at Carter and smiling at him. He glanced over at me and smiled back as well before saying, "You're not going to be like that when it comes time to plan our wedding, right?"

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