Chapter 19

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A week had passed by since Carter and I had become official. His parents had made an official statement about it, which had surprised me. Even though I knew that Carter's parents were letting us date each other, I didn't think that they'd officially acknowledge it to the world where everyone would know for sure that Carter was dating someone who was very far down the list of people that the king and queen wanted their son to marry. I figured they would just tell the media that they didn't want to comment on their son's relationship while they had disapproving looks on their faces to show everyone that they were not thrilled about who Carter had chosen to be his girlfriend, but maybe it was part of their plan.

With the media officially knowing, there wasn't a place I could go without at least one or two showing up with cameras to take my picture and ask me questions. I had gone from a nobody to a somebody in a matter of seconds.

I guess now the king and queen were just waiting to see how long I was going to last with all the attention that I was getting now. And I had to admit that it was completely exhausting being followed around and being stared at by everyone. But I had known that my normal life wasn't going to be normal once it came out that Carter and I were a couple. I just had hoped that I had a little time to prepare for that.

It wasn't really that much of a surprise that I didn't get time to adjust to everyone wanting to know everything about me and my relationship with Carter. I had more than just the media coming up to me and asking me questions. There were plenty of people that recognized me even before the media was there to attract everyone's attention in my direction. Some people were nice about it, but others didn't know when to stop.

"Do you think there's any place we could go that they won't find us?" I asked Carter as I looked in the direction of the paparazzi that was standing outside the restaurant that Carter and I were eating at as they took pictures of us.

"I don't know. I don't think it's always going to be like this though," he replied glancing over at them before looking back at me. We were both trying our best to ignore them, but it was hard to forget that they were there when flashes went off every five seconds.

"You mean they'll actually stop following us around and taking pictures everywhere we go?" I asked probably getting my hopes a little too high, but I couldn't help it. Carter had grown up like this while I was just starting with adjusting to having nosy people around me all the time.

"No, I meant that it'll die down and we won't have so many paparazzi following us around because they'll eventually get bored with us. There hasn't been a new royal couple in a while so everyone wants to know everything about us," Carter said.

"I'm not exactly royalty so I don't know if you can call us a royal couple," I replied.

Carter shrugged his shoulders like he didn't care about the fact that I wasn't royalty and then picked up his drink to take a sip of it as another flash went off. I really wished we hadn't been given a table by the window. It felt really weird to have people standing right next to us even if they were outside and we were inside while they were watching Carter and me. And it was only going to feel weirder to having people watching us once we got our food.

I didn't really want there to be people standing outside watching Carter and I while we ate, but I didn't really have a choice and I probably wasn't going to have a choice for a while about this. Even though I'd really like to go back to my normal life, I didn't want to give Carter up so I was just going to suck it up and try to pretend like paparazzi weren't there as much as I could.

"Am I going to have to see your parents any time soon?" I asked Carter.

"Probably not, but you might have to have dinner with them in a couple months. Especially if the media and the public start wondering why you haven't met my parents yet because I don't think they're aware that you've already met them. There's paparazzi waiting outside the gates now, always trying to ask us questions when we come outside, which isn't often, but they still camp outside the gates to wait for someone," Carter replied as he glanced around the restaurant.

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