Chapter 6

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When I woke up the next morning it was just about ten o'clock. I had the day off today and didn't really have to worry about doing a thing. Except maybe showing Prince Carter around a little bit, but as I laid in bed and thought about it, it probably wasn't such a good idea to take him out and show him around town when he had just disappeared yesterday. There were probably people, royal guards included, looking for him.

Even though there was no reward for the prince's return, I'm sure that wouldn't stop people from capturing him or letting a royal guard know of the prince's whereabouts in return for some money.

It was probably best to wait a couple weeks until the excitement had gone down and people figured that they weren't going to see the prince anywhere around here. We would just have to see how things were going to go as the days passed by since the prince had run away from his family and life. I had a feeling this whole situation was going to get complicated pretty quickly if it already wasn't.

Sighing, I got out of bed and then proceeded to make it before walking over to my closet and looking through it until I finally figured out what I wanted to wear today, settling on a light pair of shorts and a peach crop top. After pulling out the clothes I had picked out, I decided to choose my shoes later and I headed off to the bathroom to see if it was available. Jade was nowhere in sight so I walked into the empty bathroom and shut the door.

Thankfully this old house had two extra bathrooms upstairs, one for me and Jade to share and one for Logan and Zach to share. So Jade and I didn't have to listen to our brothers complain that we were taking too long in the bathroom. Jade and I usually didn't fight over the bathroom since we always seemed to miss each other when we needed it.

I wasn't sure if she was awake at the moment, but as long as she didn't need the bathroom for good half an hour while I took a shower and then got ready for the day, then we weren't going to have a problem.

When I came out of the bathroom with my pajamas in hand, I headed back to my room, which wasn't that far from the bathroom since they were right next to each other, and threw my pajamas on the bed before heading back to my closet. After grabbing some shoes and socks, I headed back to my bed and sat down on it so I could put my shoes on. With my shoes on a few minutes later, I headed downstairs to get something to eat since my stomach wouldn't stop grumbling even for a minute or two.

I walked into the kitchen after coming down the staircase and walking across the living room. There in the kitchen, I found Mom and Prince Carter. Mom was making pancakes and Prince Carter was sitting at the kitchen table, eating some of those pancakes. I heard Mom call out a good morning so I said good morning back as I went over to the stove to see if Mom had started a pot of water for tea.

"Do you want some pancakes sweetheart?" Mom asked me as I picked up the kettle and opened it up to check inside. I saw that there was water inside as Mom added, "Water's already hot so help yourself to some tea."

"Thanks Mom. And yes, I would like some pancakes," I replied glancing over at her to smile before going over to a cupboard not too far away from the stove to collect a mug.

"No problem. And do you want three, like usual?" she asked me. I glanced over at her again, nodding my head, before looking back at the opened cupboard.

Once I had chosen a mug, I went back over to the stove and poured hot water into the mug. I set the kettle back down out of the stove, picked out my favorite tea, and then headed over to the kitchen table to join Prince Carter, who seemed to be enjoying Mom's pancakes since he was stuffing them in his mouth pretty quickly. It probably wasn't how he normally ate since I'm sure his mother would never allow him to eat the way he was eating now. And it was probably nice for Prince Carter to not be following so many rules all the time.

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